So, basically I can get paid for petting cats and dogs?
By the way, transcriptionists are the worse at perpetuating this cycle of horrible rates.
“The President of the United States is not a crook!”
71 words, ten sentences. And he needed notes for that....
I pity the satirists of today.
Flatulence and fecal matter is often a sadly over-looked weapon in the militant anti-fascist struggle.
It’s been more than four and a half year.
I am still waiting for the fucking punchline, you monster.
Pegging or rimming?
For me, alternating grips messes up my posture. Turning one arm palm forward make the shoulder blade align in a different way. When going heavy I much prefer my shoulder blades to be as left-right symmetrical as possible. I don’t often get to the point where my (thumbhook-and-chalked) grip gives out. But if I do, I…
“Pinterest - the herpes of google image searches”
“Today the NYPD was stabbed in the back by the very same people we swore to protect,” Sergeant Benevolent Association President Ed Mullins said
General widespread access to the internet was a mistake. Too many people have too little capacity for source criticism.
and sorry for the double pic of the double nougat, kinja doing it’s thing again.
Personally I am more given to stop caring about stuff that actually matters, because most of the stuff that actually matters are also stuff that I have between nil to zilch power over.
Like climate change. I want to care, but it’s so bloody obvious that human society wont change in the way necessary to even lessen the…
See: Serpico.
I actually own the entire series on DVD in a coffin-shaped box, and also have a replica of Barnabas’s wolf head cane.