So that they can show more ads.

By far and away the best use for a pipeline. other than getting away with stolen plutonium, obviously 

This place sailed past the point of no return YEARS ago, dude. Let it go. They surely do not give a shit. The fifth-gen O’Neal Xeroxes writing here don’t, and the international conglomerate click farm that now owns the place definitely doesn’t either.

as a lover of good writing and culture, one rule i try to always follow is

no it isn’t. re-establish a frame for newsworthiness that isn’t the same as tabloid journalism.

Kill the fucking slideshow please.

WHY did this need to be a slide? 

I remember seeing that in Popular Science or some such magazine back in the day, and thinking it was cool and great idea. Now, after being a truck driver off-and-on for 30 years, I can see how terrible an idea it really is. In just about every way.

Reminds me of the days when I was heavily into recreational hallucinogenics. My best friend was a beetle and I slept in an orbital banana.

Ya know, Fixed News was so supportive of a takeover of a government building in Oregon a few years back. I wonder what the difference is between the Seattle protesters and the Y’all Qaeda?  Hmmm... maybe not enough boxes of sex toys and barrels of lube?  Please stop sending us dildos.

It not like an armed mob has forced their way into a capital building calling for the heads of tyrants or anything.

We just walk in. The businesses are open and as packed as they can be with our social-distancing restrictions. The roads are closed to traffic, but residents and delivery people may enter with their vehicles.

Wow so even white guys with guns are scary to fox viewers if they don’t have a uniform or southern swastika.

Personally, I think we should probably put a moratorium on constructing any statues of white people for at least a couple hundred years, just to be safe.

Now playing

Ran into this video recently. A dance teacher teaches her students the Thriller dance and it’s fantastic.

So you want spyware on your spyware? Yo dawg...

Seriously, now he decides to drop it?!

ToxicMicrobe was a bit extreme with that analogy but I think his point is that a fair number of gamers are causally racist. Obviously not all of us, but, if you’ve ever played a CoD match starting with Cod 4 until now you’ll hear it. I’m guessing it has to to with a number of things, like anonymity with easy voice

but gAmErS aRe An oPpReSseD MiNoRiTy

“2013 edgelord memes it never should have left” sorry man, but this shit being unacceptable was front and center in 2013. 2003? Maybe. 2013? No fucking excuse.