Now playing

Really cool, and if you wanna hear the same without the handclapping dude, here is another recording. No criticism on the handclapping fella, I would have to sit on my hands not to do the same, but I prefer to hear it without.

Fuck slide show articles.

Just as this comment of mine is pretty hard to just glance through.

Which made it impossible to just give a quick glance-through.

However, when I opened the article I saw that it was a slideshow article.

So I decided to give the article a quick glance.

But I was still curious about if there was any new info in the article.

I already knew about the C19-pangolin connection

I really adore pangolins.

That was about pangolins.

I saw this headline

High to low

Kitkat tastes a little like dust.

... do we get paid for this? I wanna know.

Now playing

I will shamelessly take the chance to repost this epic Chilean student protest from 2011, with the motivation that this shows the absolutly eternal classic status of the original song and video. Those are about 3000 people doing the original choreography....

well, he is talking to his followers.....

“Stop treating us like animals and thugs and start treating us with some respect,” Lynch demanded

Did you try that link to Shields Up before posting...? ;)

as a person who has done at least some outdoors roller skating on quad-style skates (i.e. skateboard size wheels) I fully agree. Those wheels look smaller that the ones I have and my wheels are bloody attached to my two feet, so I can lift them over the odd debris.
Someone will eat a lot of pavement.

I humbly suggest a dismissal (the three pop-up dots right of the star) of the known troll burnbabychurn.

I humbly suggest a dismissal (the three pop-up dots right of the star) of the known troll burnbabychurn.