Is this the moment when Canada and EU have enough arguments to invade the US, to free it’s women from oppression? I mean, that was used as an argument when invading Afghanistan....
Is this the moment when Canada and EU have enough arguments to invade the US, to free it’s women from oppression? I mean, that was used as an argument when invading Afghanistan....
The subtitles are correct. Yes, the show Andromeda got very, very bad after season two...
Whatever you do, don’t watch the “uncut” version of Léon. The awkward crush that 12yo Mathilda has on Léon is played out much more creepy in the uncut version. Pedophiliac creepy.
Personaly I’d prefer a Satanic Temple Police Department, I’m sure their logo would be snazzy.
Also, having no soul would make these times much easier to get through.
You know what else I like about garlic powder? It lasts a long fucking time!
No? Then, as an educator (and bear with me here)... you should never, under any circumstances, be forced into those roles. Ever. You simply are not paid enough.
John Wick might as well be a silent film and I mean that in a good way
Your Cage comment is worth several stars alone.
Did not find anything by that name, but did find a series called “This Giant Beast That is the Global Economy”, and episode 4 “A.I. is the future. Will it Keep us Around to Enjoy it?“
Q: How big does a pool have to be
Tor has a reputation as the most privacy-minded browser out there
Yup, and this is the best visualisation of it
cleaned, preened, and ready to demean
oh god this gif could replace 99,9% of all news reports.
ok, so maybe this is how we will source the funding for universal healthcare?