tulleytwo stated that: “easier to get everyone onboard when everyone shares common values and priorities.
I checked several of the links in that google search. Several pointed towards a study by Robert Putnam of 41 US communities, where he finds that in diverse communities people tend to trust each other less. Another

What aspects of Scandinavian monoculturalism is it that, according to you, makes social programs easier to implement than in the multiculturalism of USA?

Denmark, like many other “idyllic” Scandinavian countries, is a monoculture. Again, much easier to get everyone onboard when everyone shares common values and priorities.

But some part of me also feels compelled to take pictures to document the beautiful parts of a disappointing game so many people will never get to see.

Racism is a two way street. If someone does wrong by you, you’ll will have a negative outlook on that person.

Now playing

I still get the frelling goosebumps, ca 30 years later.

sooner or later you will drop the clipper into the toilet. I definitely would sooner.

Guess again.... :(

“There is no dirty brown poop in Unko Museum. It’s all colorful, cute and pop design poop.”

The Democrats do not need to expand their base. They need to convince their base to actually come out & vote.

Reading the news, any day, since 2016.

this deserves a lot more stars

This was my first thought too. Maybe they to cinch upp extra hard to keep water out, to avoid getting regular enemas? I mean, they are mammals and breath air for oxygene, so I imagine they are more sensitive to water pressure than fish?

so,that’s where the foley crew on Jurassic Park got the calls of some of their CGI dinos from....

Depression is a lack of brain chemicals

And the answer will always be some version of no eviidence can make me change my mind, but usually formulated in a way that helps the person from admitting to themselves that they are hopeless fools.

Especially on/for/by trash people.

Samsung TV Remote Control (via Peel Technologies, Inc.)

it is against their policy to verify or confirm income or work for any contractors. I found that infuriating. Your route assignment is completely deleted from your records after you finish it so unless you keep and maintain screenshots constantly you have no record of the work you actually did

I may disagree with AOC tax rate of 70% tax after 10 million.