Well, it might make the pigheadedness of the pig obvious to onlookers that have yet to have learned that characteristic.
Well, it might make the pigheadedness of the pig obvious to onlookers that have yet to have learned that characteristic.
But hey, I had a few minutes to spare so I did your job for you, pro bono actually.
A correct source quotation requires page number and paragraph number.
This is solved by making the app make the user take a photo of the scooter when they leave it.
I’ve seen that in Europe, and especially Germany, bicycles that are private property are sacrosanct
Even in the film’s limited run, it’s now the Christian production house Pure Flix’s second-biggest release behind 2016's God’s Not Dead 2, bringing in more than $6 million in its opening weekend and expanding to hundreds more theaters.
I think you forgot the evening social event of Aiding and abetting various Fascist dictators around the world.
The structure of the presidency is dumb. It’s too big a job for one person to plausibly do well. [...]
I hate these self-absorbed stupid people. The only thing one can hope for is that when she’s about 45 years old, she will find a time machine. go back in time and slap her younger self so hard that her old self still can feel it.
Second, I’m impressed that she was open minded enough to change her thinking. Many people just become all the more entrenched even after seeing situations with their own eyes.
I don’t think she wants to be a senator or a president, to stand in front of the world to be mocked by Trump and republicans or to have these crowds of people calling her name. I think she’s doing it because she feels a responsibility.
It seems this service is only done over sms, and that one has to give ones telephone number to the Slutbot service.
I am about as likely to do that as I am to interface my dick directly to the wall electrical socket.
I still believe this was my fault. Could the coach have shown greater restraint? Of course. But I made my bed that day. It was a lesson I’ll never forget.
Normal range for injector rifles are 65-70 meters, maximum range for experienced shooters are 130-150 meters. Just place a bunch of snipers from CDC on the rooftops and vaccinate everyone in sight.
I want them to meet their god right now, please.
Trademarking Soylent White as we speak.
The number of times I’ve seen cops actively trying to provoke demonstrators, by yelling horrible insults (racist, homophobic, misogynic), violently pushing people that are totally peaceful.... It is obvioous that cops try to provoke people to “get the right” to use as much violence as they currently feel they need to…
I suspected that, and that’s why I don’t see any reason for answering you.
Are you saying that you will judge my reasoning not on the merits of what my arguments are?