Are you saying that you will judge my reasoning not on the merits of what my arguments are?
Are you saying that you will judge my reasoning not on the merits of what my arguments are?
You are using a question in lack of a counter argument.
The worst thing I did to my father:
I was so depressed and picked on when I was 8 yo that when he asked me how school was, I decided to take the chance of actually trusting him to care and act, so I told him how it was and how I felt, and that it was so bad that sometimes I thought of killing myself. He got really,…
Someone that make stuff that doesn’t really line up with the easily swallowed Hollywood swallop
a stylish friend of mine keeps saying that what ppl call a fedora in regards to mra / neckbeard / incel-gone-puas, is in fact a trilby. Now, assuming my friend is correct, the name fedora is of course tainted for at least a decade forward, but the actual fedora hat will probably be ok. At least if one also has wears a …
Du kan ta ditt vedervärdiga rasistiska skitsnack och köra det riktigt långt upp i din äckliga ruttna röv där det hör hemma, tomatfejja.
That’s not a counter argument. It is their home at least as much as it is your home, can you argue against that? Motivate your rules by other things that threats.
You are basically saying that that your kids home is not their home. That is not far from saying that their family is not their family. Don’t get surprised when they decide to agree on that and break contact with you.
Are you bloody insane?!
What you need to do is patiently, lovingly follow their argument all. the. fucking. way.
Your mistake was to go yourself and google the toothbrushing bad breath thing. next time they counter something like that, you patiently, lovingly, calmly take them with you to the computer and make them sit with you while you…
I loved Smashing Pumkins for several years, took a pause, and tried to listen to them again, and came to the sudden realisation that Billy Corgans voice is horrible on all possible levels and he should never have beeen allowed close to a microphone. Also, Corgan seems to be a true-bred arsehat.
With another vocalist, I…
Businesses advertise to introduce you to new and better products
PETa deserves to be hated and ridiculed as the fuckwads they all are. I don’t care if they would by pure chance be right in a single issue - they should still just burn.
This is why:
I am tired of trying to get conservative rich asswipes to admit they are in the wrong. At this point, I just wanna mash their faces in with a sledge, because that’s the only way to get something into their skulls.
The back part of the inside of her cranium. May she get there soon.
Do you remember the final months before Thatchers long-awaited departure for the neather realms? The wonderful, wonderful spite and hate (no, seriously, I loved it) that just kept pouring out, unabashedly. She really deserved every single iota of it (is there an official measurement for hate? could we call it ‘thatcher…
^ political cartoon material of the highest order. Learn to draw or get to know an illustrator.
Is this the time to say that Trump can never be the cunt that McCain was, because he has neither the warmth nor depth of a man that’s six feet under...? Or is that too cold?
wait what ONE SENSOR?! I thought the general guiding principle for designing airplanes was that all tech should have duplication, and all wiring should be duplicated on each side of the fusilage?
Skilled orator is, I think, the common judgement. But maybe the school official didn’t have such uncommon words in his vocabulary.