Dehumanizing people is a way of supporting those who needs an excuse to kill those same people. She is an enabler of cops that murder.

Somewhat morbid video placement....

starred for referencing LMcD

If Jesus was real and saw Trump enter a church, I think that church would be hit by lightning. I wonder how the priest of that church feels, having a stinking sack of putrid bile-ridden shit twaddling up the aisle? Did he think the collection bag would get an extra large deposit? If so I hope he double-checked it

When I put it to my mom like that, she got very quiet.

I think people should stop and think before pelting this senator with fresh eggs. They should make sure to find some really really rotten eggs first.

9600 baud?! You young kids were lucky to get to use 9600 baud. We had to make do with 1200 with our Commodore64's...

Cult of the Dead Cow vs Daily Caller.
First one sounds a lot cooler.

because ppl buy apartments just to rent them out, which in turn drives up price of apartments in the area and price of goods and serveices too. It supercharges gentrification.

Put simply, the platforms should be fined, and fined heavily. 

I think that could be a good imdb review

I’m so confused..... isn’t the USA supposed to be, you know.. .a democracy?

another one is boxed breathing or four-square breathing. It’s simple making each phase in the breath cycle last for a count of four: IN (1,2,3,4) - HOLD full (1,2,3,4) - OUT (1,2,3,4) - HOLD empty (1,2,3,4). Heres a vimeo-vid from a human seal, who explains and expands on it with variations of duration and so. For me,

true, I read a bit sloppily.

hmm, no love for Redbreast?

Also, I find pausing for several seconds in the “totally empty” phase does wonders.

... but funnily enough, it still seems appropriate, doesn’t it?

If a police officer removes evidence from a crime scene, isn’t that a punishable offence? Why is not this seen as the same?

I hope the public can help to adress that discrepancy.