725 5th Ave

This [L’Homme au doigt] sold for $141M in 2015.

What happened to her between the time she dropped out of grade school and landed the leading role in Hunger Games?

How quickly we went from “Trump is going to start a nuclear holocaust” to “Yeah well I doubt he’s gonna get North Korea to denuclearize [nervous fidgeting].”

I disagree. The wedge salad is a very good salad but all salads are very good salads. Except the hideous Cobb. I enjoy the wedge salad and I will eat the wedge salad but I will only order the wedge salad so long as I will be eating something better shortly after. The wedge salad is good but has many problems.

Break up Google. Break up Amazon. Regulate the socials.

Did the NY Post really report this or is this just more deflection?

The EPA is one of the most corrupt departments in all of government. Here’s just one example:

She is by far the best looking FLOTUS of all time. Michelleheads are just jealous.

I hope it doesn’t. In fact, I hope for a prolonged hiatus in piano rain not just for me, but for everyone.

Dodd Frank was not to stop a recession. That’s the Fed’s job and they’ve been doing a great job of it so long as you can tolerate the massive wealth gap they created between asset owners and everyone else. Dodd Frank was a massive piece of regulation that had little lobbied and paid for loopholes for every Too Big To

Or maybe he was a newer member and a bit braggadocios about it so they had the CIA off him which they were happy to do considering how scared they were of empowered, independently-thinking, self-aware black men which was kind of Tupac’s entire thing. Remember, the 1992 LA riots were barely in the rearview.

So like the Bilderbergers and the Davos Crowd along with some hot celeb mouthpieces? Makes sense. Tupac always talked about them and sounded like he wanted to be, or was, a part.

I’m not being sarcastic. I love Kanye. He’s a great dude.

I think we agree here. DNC deliberately worked against Bernie and promoted Hillary. Biden was told not to run. Assuming a level playing field for all, Bernie would have beaten both Biden and Hillary and then probably Trump. The midwest that went for Trump likely would have gone for Bernie. This window is fortunately


Great picture. Kanye is awesome.

If I told you, you wouldn’t believe me. I know that sounds like a BS answer but consider where we are right now: North Korea is about to sit down and hash out a deal, hopefully. This wasn’t just unthinkable a relatively short time ago, it would have been considered lunacy. The left was screaming about Trump nuking the

Kanye West isn’t a bad person. He’s a great person.

Blues and Jazz are really important pieces of our culture and they are dominated by the black community. Dominated. Music is something that has the power to bring people together like nothing else and blues and jazz are uniquely qualified to do that. They form a basis for so many other types of music and are very easy