725 5th Ave

This is my favorite comment OF ALL TIME

I can’t believe I was captivated by this commentary of the wedge salad in the wee hours of Saturday. But yet, here I was. Captivated. Thoroughly amused. What other foods can you essay about 🤣

This is a Yoda-level troll job. Wonderful work, ma’am.

This is amazing???

This comment is so well executed that I will never, ever consider eating a wedge salad again.

Words fail me. This is the single greatest thing I have ever had the pleasure of reading. Will you marry me?

This should be it’s own article. It’s a thing of beauty.

my GOD I love this comment.

I have never agreed with an internet comment more. Well done.

what a time to be alive.

Why are wedge salads so expensive?! The ingredients cost, like, 50¢ tops, and there is damned near no labor involved, but it’s on the menu for $8.

I want to join your revolution. I’ll even print out the pamphlets.

I support this anti-Wedge dissertation and am willing to subscribe to your anti-Wedge newsletter, if/when one becomes available, so long as you don’t give my email address to porn-spam people.

This is an excellent and slightly bananas comment.

“Don’t be too evil. A little evil is OK. Don’t overdo it though.”

Fuck it, I starred you for showing your work.

That face when youre interviewing one of the most powerful men in the world.

I mean, I hate Joe and Mika, but they’re a political news show....................................................................

Political talk show hosts interview politician, more news at 11

Because you seem to think they were all free throws, which means he was fouled about 45 times, which means that like, nine Warriors fouled out, which means that they couldn’t field a full team, which means forfeit, which means Cavs win?