

That must have been on hell of a party.

If we’re going to get all post-apocalyptic, I’d like to point out that: 1. Magnesium bars are a lot less likely to be salvageable (or lootable) from the ruins of civilization than batteries and 2. Both salt and magnesium are essential for human life so you’ll probably want to hold onto those things and get a hand

also, exactly when does the sun burn “overnight”?

Nope, I’ve been enjoying the contents of dumpsters for over 20 years now and have never gotten sick from doing so. Kindly fuck off.

Is it just me, or wouldn’t a couple road flares or an acetylene torch work just as well for making a pumpkin glow for a little while while you set it on fire (and for much cheaper)?

Don’t forget climate change, he invented that too...

I agree with wilkileak’s mission statement but their releases seem to have a clear focus and/or intent as of late. Obviously this is an opinion, but it seems like more than a coincidence. Maybe they have internal political motivation, maybe they are letting themselves be used by others or maybe it is just a massive

“How to select the tastiest leftovers from your local grocer’s dumpster”

I agree, I generally take everything with a healthy dose of skepticism. Part of maintaining that skepticism (for me) is getting past the initial/gut reaction. Vigilante justice is satisfying as hell, but obviously is all too often misdirected. This guy is poking a hornet’s nest when we don’t even know what stung us

On the one hand this guy is a great performance artist, has a very inventive mind, and is bat-shit crazy. All traits I love. On the other hand I only find the music tolerable in the context of the unique and bizarre instruments he’s created.

Ok, I’m not pretending to be an expert on these matters at all, but isn’t this noteworthy because it’s more akin to a computer system USING photoshop? While the question of whether this is truly AI seems impossibly complex and partially philosophical it’s still noteworthy that they are able to instruct a machine to

LOL, “publishing hose” I’m not even going to edit that, my stickey U key actually improved my comment ;)

My gut reaction is to like this guy, but after watching Wikileaks go from something I admired and mostly agreed with to a publishing hose for Trump’s ‘Make Russia Great Again’ campaign I’m starting to distrust my gut.

Very interesting, thanks for this. I had a strong suspicion that there was a bit more to the re-translation even just considering how many different terms are used for body parts in each language (dick, fanny, willy, ta tas, pecker, tits, johnson, boobs, etc. etc. etc. etc.).

Great list, I’ll be tracking down the ones I haven’t seen. My grandpa owned several drive-in theaters so my dad grew up watching and developing a love for the B movies of the fifties and sixties. He passed that love onto my brother and I, our childhood weekends always involved mad scientists, giant insects, tinfoil

Boobs, Boobs, Boobies gives the viewer a much better idea of what to expect from the film than the original title.

I’ll give you a hint, they worship an angry orange sexual predator.

If Facebook’s offices were swallowed by the earth I might just have to stop being an atheist.

The “pot is safer/healthier/less problematic than alcohol” argument is as pervasive as it is valid. I don’t think it implies a moral high ground, it really just boils down to pointing out that it makes absolutely no goddamn sense for one to be legal (and unscheduled) and the other to be classified alongside heroin