also, exactly when does the sun burn “overnight”?
also, exactly when does the sun burn “overnight”?
Nope, I’ve been enjoying the contents of dumpsters for over 20 years now and have never gotten sick from doing so. Kindly fuck off.
“How to select the tastiest leftovers from your local grocer’s dumpster”
My cousin’s ‘71 C10 was stolen in Atlanta. ust about when he’d decided it was gone forever the cops fond it abandoned with a broken shifter 12 or so blocks from his house.
I agree (big league)
I’m not a fan of her either, but Trump is the one who scares me.
I hear that. Neither of them are what I wold call “my party” but I’m damn sure voting Democrat this year.
Agreed, shooting dead people is a waste of bullets.
Literally my thoughts exactly.
Look everybody! It’s a Republican saying reasonable and sane things! I was starting to think they were extinct ;)
Addiction is so much more complicated than the 12 step AA/NA cultists like to paint it. Granted, we don’t know what he’s really up to, but going from heroin, meth, & coke to beer is a pretty damn good step in the right direction. I hope to see this notion that abstinance is the only way, etc. dead and buried.
One day while my gf was on a road trip, she called me from one of those big chains that specializes in oil change, tune-ups, fluid flushes etc.. She stopped for an oil change and they told her that her S-10 was leaking transmission fluid badly and they needed to keep it and investigate the problem. I asked her to…
“Sometimes the paramedics will even suggest (after checking you out) that your case is mild enough you can drive yourself to the hospital or urgent care clinic at your convenience.”
Parts/Repair costs are pretty high, but at least some of the older Mercedes are pretty reliable. The 240D got upwards of 30 mpg and have been known to make it past the million mile mark (according to Mercedes, the record holder is a greek taxi with 2.8 million miles on it!)
Yeah, that kind of empirical evidence is what brought on the “housing first” policy that’s been adopted by a lot of agencies and organizations involved in the fight against homelessness.
I see your point, no one would exactly call cheap beer, crack or heroin “luxury” items, but the perception/reaction is the same: If a person can afford to get drunk/high everyday they’re undeserving of help, not really poor just choosing to blow their money on substances, etc.
That’s totally related. Being poor is really stressfull. It’s all too easy to turn to alcohol or drugs when you feel trapped and can’t sleep at night because you’re one missed paycheck away from disaster. It’s just as common for people to end up addicted because they’re poor or homeless as it is for them to end up…
Thank you so much for pointing out what should be obvious to anyone engaged in wage slavery, which is just about all of us. In most cases your employer is more than "not your friend", they are your enemy, nemesis, oppressor, etc. . They can and will sell you down the river at any point it seems in their best…
Yeah I'm always amazed by his portliness, but I agree he's looks truly fat or at least very pudgy lately. I mean the dude has pretty much absolute power there, but with a chronically underfed/starving population, having an obese "dear leader" seems a really bad idea on his part in terms of propaganda and maintaining…
If there's a way to edit an old post, I can't find it, so reposting it sans F-bomb was the best I could do, hope you can show it to your kids.