You have been eaten by a grue
You have been eaten by a grue
You have been eaten by a grue
Sweet, now I can finally write the ZORK inspired text game I tried to write when I was 13 and learning BASIC and Turbo Pascal. I had a notebook full of maps and story ideas, and quite a few lines of code written when I realized just how much work it was going to be and my ADHD took care of the rest.
"They made a brozillion of them, you saw them in every cul-de-sac and subdivision in America for 10 years, then they all just disappeared. You'll still see its competitors from time to time—even in rust-central Pennsylvania where I'm from, a 25-year-old Chevy Lumina or Buick Park Avenue can still be heard…
A lot of the chain auto parts stores have "loan-a-tool" programs. You basically pay the cost of the tool and as long as you bring it back and don't destroy it you get your deposit back. It's great for specialized and vehicle specific tools and diagnostic equipment.
Ditto pressure washers. If you look around you can usually find a good used one for about the price of a day or two's rental fee.
YES, I need them to drive, especially at night so I have a backup pair always in my glove compartment. I won't plug any specific sites, but I've been ordering mine online for years now. You can get a no-frills pair of RX glasses for like $12 if you look around. Quality isn't the best but the RX is right so for less…
Does anyone know of a comparable app for Linux? Yes I'm too lazy to google and wade through forums right now, but if no one has an answer, I'll see what I can find and post it here.
Self driving cars, hell no! I don't even trust cars that lock the doors when you go over 20mph. We keep replacing perfectly good time tested tech with buggy new tech. Accelerators that used to be attached to a cable are now controlled by software that can kill you if there's a faulty line of code (toyota I'm…
Good point, same with instruments if you can play them well and guns I guess if you're a criminal or win a lot of shooting competitions.
On a smaller scale financially I do consider some purchases to be sort of investments. I've never had much money so we're not talking big ticket items at all. I've found that good tools, musical instruments and guns especially used ones hold their value well and IMO would retain that value or even increase in value…
Really? This counts as a life-hack? Must be a slow day for you folks. With an I.Q. over 50 or so you should be able to figure out how to open a beer bottle with almost anything. A lighter, spoon, knife, belt buckle, key, table top (or any other hard surface), or even your teeth if you're REALLY desperate, and…
I didn't mean to imply that the method you described would be ineffective, I expect it would work just fine. I was just responding to your doubts about starting with cold water. In fact your proposed method may, in fact, be superior to some degree, though I suspect it wouldn't be noticeably better. Cooking potatoes…
I follow your logic and it seems sound but the proof is in the pudding (or the potatoes as the case may be). I cooked in fine dining restaurants for years and this was always the way we did it. Even when cooking fifty pounds of potatoes in a giant pot, they come out perfect if you just start with cold water and dry…
Crash test ratings are probably better than the majority of factory produced Chinese autos.
Yeah, but these are corporations, mostly really big ones. They will gladly sell you a worthless extended feature warranty and generally squeeze every dime they can out of you. They will also play dumb with you if it's to their advantage. So if you can game their system to your advantage, good for you, it's all part…
Man I loved these games, so much more interesting than the shoot em up FPS games. I really liked the fact that the point was to try not to kill people. Things like sneaking up behind, black-jacking an enemy and hiding his unconscious body in the shadows was so much more interesting to me than blowing up aliens or…
I use Google voice to keep my cell phone bill down to about $15 a month. I have a prepaid by the minute plan and I've got an app called GrooveIP on my Android which let's me send and receive calls through Google voice without using any minutes. I only need/use my cell number when I don't have access to Wi-Fi.
This whole thing strikes me as highly specious, it really reminds me of the Jenkem scare. Remember jenkem (A.K.A. "Butt Hash") the supposed trend of huffing the fermented gas from shit/sewage? Though it may have actually happened among some dirt poor street kids in Zambia in the mid '90s. An american kid made a…