
To be fair, there should be some kind of guard rail there. This looks more like a case were the driver misinterpreted / got confused where the exit was rather than just poor driving. From this footage it seems obvious, but maybe not from the driver’s POV.

Maybe the thief just has really bad ADHD. He was just driving along and then screamed “BORED NOW!” and just stopped and walked away.

oh great, we’re rewarding truth and logic instead of sass now?


If I remember correctly, a break in is something like:

“Remember Honda again?”

I hope the lesson you learnt was “never buy another Mustang”.

You’d think at this point enough Mustang drivers would be familiar with the meme and therefore be extra cautious when exiting a meet and greet event, if for no other reason than to insure that they don’t end up on Youtube.

I get shit for pronouncing it “For-zuh” (I work at turn 10.)

I’m mostly upset that the TV commercials pronounce it “Fort-za,” like pizza I guess.

The turbo got the sniffles harder in NFS. They love a loud wastegate in general in NFS.

I beat the main story and stopped completely. RAUH-Welt air cooled porsche 911s couldn’t save that trainwreck of a game.

“The suspension, however unforgiving it may be on cobblestoned NYC streets, is masterful on track.”

That’s not how rich dictator land works

1000 HP for all of a second before that thing melts under full boost.

As a Brit, I found him pleasant, amusing and he’s either was a gearhead, or could fake it well enough that I didn’t care. The worst parts were his forced interactions with Evans, so without that, hopefully he, and the show will continue to improve.

So this means it’s not like he’s stuck in second gear anymore

No doubt: SkyActiv is not about speed. As a comfortable, well-optioned commuter with some practical hauling capability, the 3 is a nice little car.

Win a free car and you got to pay for the shipping.