
So, I did a quick bit of math and here is what I came up with

You think someones physical safety is more important than some scratches on an inanimate object?

3) Bad rider laying on the ground 2 miles back rethinking his purchase of that “Cruise control cuz ma hand gits tired”.

I wonder if this has anything to do with the Doolittle Raid (“Raiders”)from WWII?B-25B bombers were used for this mission and was quite remarkable for the fact these medium bombers took off from aircraft carriers. Is there something remarkable about this B-21 that could draw a similarity to the remarkable nature of

NASCAR does suck. It does not advance the world of Motorsports in technology or excitement.

I used to work at McLaren engines where this was built so I’ve seen this vehicle up close and know the guys that built it. This is definitely a relic of the F&F era which doesn’t do it any favors looks wise. However the work done on it is top notch. These guys were building all the Ford Racing vehicles as well as all

It is the same engine. They all have the Yamaha head. Yamaha does tons of engine work for Toyota. The only variance is the aggressiveness of the tune.

Word. On his two round-the-world flights, Wiley Post pretty much avoided the Pacific altogether and flew from Russia to Alaska.

Well, you’re wrong.

I mean it’s crazy because it’s an 8.3L V10. But it’s not crazy because what they did is take that 8.3L V10 and put it into a bigger car than the one it came from.

It’s a US-made car as well. All Z3s (e36/7 and e36/8) and first gen Z4s (e85 and e86) were made in the Spartanburg plant. While IANAL, it seems reasonable to assume this could be brought back in, especially since we had both available here (engine and car).

“If this doesn’t go viral Daddy’s gotta go back to leasing a 3 series”

“Daddy, why are we doing a third take?”

That just sounds like tech. Every track day has tech. Motorcycle track days have tech. The 24 hours of Lemons even has some sort of tech. It’s for everyone’s safety and to avoid shitty mechanics dumping oil all over your track and ruining the day.

I believe its called “fun”. Give it a try sometime.

I was accepted to lead my own tribe and I don’t know what’s happening either.

Pretty sure I’ve seen this episode. It ends with Jeremy inventing a replacement for messaging boards that’s all a bit rubbish and catches on fire, James tries to create Medium but for cars and it’s so complicated even Medium’s engineers can’t figure it out, and Hammond attempts to make Snapchat but with messenger

Ah, see, it wasn’t the kite that caused you pain, it was the landing.

Guess who can’t fly the F-35? Harambe. Cuz’ he’s not rated for solo flight. (Being dead might also factor into it).

Now playing

I was lucky enough to work for Saleen as an engineer for a semester when I was finishing up my degree. It was a pretty cool experience and I had job offers left and right after that. It was probably the best experience I had in college. I think our team worked an average of 75-80 hours a week, at the least. I took a