
I can appreciate the technological undertaking of creating a car from scratch with such ambitious goals. Definitely an exotic car by definition.

Just drag out an extension cord and mount a speaker somewhere under the bridge and have it play classical music at night, that should keep the kids away just fine.

Compliments on the success first and foremost, then add some more for the detail and style of write-up with the photos. Those worked nicely together. I’ve got lots of fond Jeep family memories including a J10 with Levi’s interior (not fun in Texas sun) so this definitely hits a cool niche.

I wonder how this one sounds. The GT-R is fine to my ears. Not the G35 or G37s though, that exhaust note is like a howling cat in a bag drowning in a river.

Sure, that’s true, but using that cultural capital to star in the grand cinema achievement of “Are We There Yet?” kind of is a reminder that you’re never too hardcore to sell out.

The face of an industrial meat grinder for elephants and the interior that looks like it was inspired by a visit to Body Worlds. Eek.

Okay, probably upgrading the TV and console to finally get this...considering building a PC simply because I can maybe return to FPS one day KB & Mouse style and lay waste to all the console controller victims to be (law of the jungle)...but seriously...

Nice. Eventually I’ll get the funding to complete my Lamborghini Aventador PowerWheels x Shifter Kart cross I sort of got started. Still think it’d be a real hoot to zip around at 30 mph or so.

Went to an event at Texas Motor Speedway and got to play “Pit Crew” along with some other teams. I asked the honcho running the thing what gives with the 5 lug nuts instead of a center locking hub like other race series tends to use. He had a laugh, understood where I was coming from, and used a 1 word explanation:

Considering how many Land Rovers, Audi/MB/BMW SUVs, S-class whatevers, Teslas & other luxo-barges I see on the road during any given commute, seeing one of these in person is going to be a sight for sore eyes. That is going to stand out and be something special. I’ll take mine in T-5R yellow after being worked over by

Heh, I’ve got one with the standard 1.8L and a 4-spd auto and the little sucker cooks just fine freeways speeds when locked in 3rd. 3k-4k RPM, just ease on the pedal and it moves on the high side of 60 just fine. I bet having the 1.8L VVTL-i would be a hoot.

Now playing

I’ve worked some really low-level jobs in my time. Shoveling mulch. Shoveling / sweeping up popcorn. Waiting tables. A substitute teacher.

*Shrugs* okay. Just figured the whole “more people should try this” might, well, deserve some caveats regarding liability. Showing a spreadsheet of how you ensured compliance with each state’s insurance regulations that you drove through would be quite helpful.

So, as a formerly licensed Property and Casualty Insurance professional, I’m interested to hear about the insurance coverages you obtained in advance of this expedition fraught with potential catastrophes.

Also, quick thank you for the link to the budget cassette-to-stereo mini adapter - been wanting to try one out on my JVC RC-B1 tank (portable w/ 6 D cells - loud!) as a make-shift PA system to go along with my portable Blackstar Fly combo amp system.

While this write-up is surely helpful, I’m pretty sure the official Apple iPhone7 manual will basically state their official stance on compatibility:

Wonder if they’ll put on another “Gateway Arch” looking wing on the back. Might actually kind of fit. Will be interested in the final product for sure.

If it was a GT I’d agree but this isn’t a beautician’s car. “Some attention” is short-hand for $400 worth of tires/parts to be better than new and at the mileage I know the book doesn’t make sense but it’s at least around at what I’m asking even considering the basic TLC. Finding a GT-S that hasn’t been ragged out is

Buy my 2001 Celica GT-S, 67,000 miles, auto w/ push button shifting, a car seat would totally fit. It needs fresh tires (can choose something sticky) a few things here and there (wipers, a fog light, pistons for hatch lid). For the $5k asking price vs. stated budget a lot of nice choices are available (tires, brake

After some kid rips off the rear-view mirrors I might go as high as $100.