
Certainly enjoy the sound of that V10 doing its thing. Phew that’s a nice scream. Styling wise it just never did it for me though. Something about the front end and back end looking like they came from different cars. Doesn’t matter from inside the driver’s seat though no doubt.

If you can find a four member, regional touring polka band in Florida you might have the greatest niche market custom imaginable.

I’ll remember to take a look at this every time I need eye-bleach from accidentally coming across a pic of the SCG 003.

If there was an automotive equivalent to the human face-wrinkling reaction and statement of “Who farted?” I think the Lexus grill design language is pretty much the best match.

Did you see the time he was on BBC Top Gear and claimed his DeLorean kit-car was going to be the basis for a car company he would start “in the ghetto” as a jobs program? Sure sounded nice then. Now it sounds like a huge lie to make himself look important.

Nice to see you’ve discovered the pin-up vehicle for Rich Entitled Person part of the “Terrible Driver” spectrum, the kind that simply can afford to not really concern themselves with things like rules, lanes, blinkers, or somehow connecting their iPhone12 to the $8,000 optional InfoTainMent System so they don’t have

This does fit in with Will.I.Am’s habit in music of taking things made by other people and somehow using his talent to make them somehow inferior*.

Amazon Car Reviews? So like Yelp, minus the pretentiousness and basic attention to literary quality? I get there are a couple clever zingers here and there, but nothing even in the neighborhood to the Three Wolf Moon-level snark.

Is 0-100-0 just no good anymore? I remember quite a few of those shootouts. Sure, the Cobra usually won, but year after year things got more interesting. If they trounce in a real-world comparo then I’d be sure to give them the nod.

Is it just me or was there a foot-note in the Press Release that noted the 2.5 seconds was “expected” performance based on R&T’s criteria that, if one was to parse it for minute, might infer the claim is still a hypothetical one?

Approx 1990 Nissan Hardbody pickup. Then race the Juke-R.

This could use a variation of Mario Twins.

Oh my my my, how I feel the pain of stinging ignorance. Also, I’m reminded that I’m not as funny as I think after I’ve been drinking too much, because I might sound like some of those wise-cracking knuckle draggers.

When you factor in how much cargo the average wide-body is capable of putting inside, you learn that the passengers aren’t actually that profitable. To put it another way, big jets are very expensive, and it’s not about having a pilot for when things go right. The pilot is there for when things go wrong, and in that

Yeah just look at their military hardware. If they can’t even pull of a reliable, publicly showable current-gen fighter jet with essentially unlimited resources and nationalistic pride on the line, I’m not about to jump in one of their flying jalopys.

“I want to die quietly in my sleep, like my grandfather...not screaming in terror, like the passengers in his car.” - paraphrased

I’ve got extensive ties to the aviation industry, though still have yet to get a job within the sector. Maybe someday. Maybe I should stay away.

While I’m certainly impressed by modern lighting technology and appreciate the compactness, using it to make a car look very squinty, like a child both confused and angry at the same time, is not my ideal application.

Holy...moly...I can never, ever, ever, ever get enough Sled Driver stories. Especially because I’ve only picked up crumbs from the book that was so limited in production. This is wonderful and I will be sure to share it with my inner circle who dig this kind of amazing stuff. So very glad these stories don’t have to

That’s what I was thinking too. Like, almost tracing paper type copy. I loved the C-X75 concept so seeing it kind of get, well, ahem, copied doesn’t really sit well with me.