They’ve been getting hit around here quite a bit. They’re equal opportunists with both “Trump is a Reptile” and “Hillary for Prison” but I like this one the “Gorilla Deserved It” the best in the sake of comedy.
They’ve been getting hit around here quite a bit. They’re equal opportunists with both “Trump is a Reptile” and “Hillary for Prison” but I like this one the “Gorilla Deserved It” the best in the sake of comedy.
I’m impressed, like genuinely believe what I see kind of impressed. Proof of concept, to me, matters a great deal.
The first Model X I saw in the wild had the door handles out of alignment by at least 1/4" and possibly 1/2" while driving down the road. Snapped a blurry photo. The second Model X I saw in the wild had the door handles out of alignment by at least 1/4" and possibly 1/2" while puttering around in a parking lot. I’ve…
Quite cool, though if I may offer a suggestion for a subsequent model, loading that thing up with a LIPO powered Airsoft full-auto drawing from a hi-cap magazine would perhaps enable a lot more action between refills. And it might not actually out-fly its own munitions if dialed in right.
Very slick presentation and concept art, I approve!