
I think 15-20 years is a more reasonable. Then make his pass a Swedish or Norwegian driving drivers ed in order to get it back.

sometimes two wheels is better?

I have come to realize that when you are reading any article on Jalopnik or Gizmodo you have to consider everything they say from the point of view of a New Yorker/city person and then a Non-New Yorker/city person. This article is really much more relevant in NY where every fifth car has a bumper guard so they can

a snake is fine till some one throws in a mongoose :)

No love for Galaxy Note? It has the same resolution as my last laptop.

I live in new england and I am holding off till i have a garage to keep it in ....but as soon as that day comes :D

Interesting bit about the rear view mirror. Nice M42 swap almost looks like it could be stock.

I am extremely jealous of your car. One day I am going to have one. Is that a roundie?

not even joking this happens to me while I am in class at least twice a week

14-year lifespan? <- correction needed

Astom Martin DB5? With new tires and clean glass this would look even cooler

It survived the fire? I thought I heard it was destroyed

Ya they have issues but then again many fun cars do. It really dons't help that they managed to cram so much in such a tight space.

I agree the front end is a little strange (mostly because of the stock bumper) and that the profile is possibly the best view but I think the head lights are good the way they are. Lamborghini agrees as they used them on the Diablo ;)

The z32 model of the Nissan 300zx. The Nissans z line was getting ugly (especially the z31 imho) and then the z32 came out. Just check out [en.wikipedia.org] and scroll to the bottom to see how many times this car has appeared on top10/20 lists for best car and most beautiful car.

The hot rod. As equally a part of a American culture as diners and greasy food.

Huh very interesting. Thanks for the info. I've never really been able to figure out their naming system (one darts at a board?)

planned obsolesce? They are a company that has to make profits in the long term. Product planning is a major part of that. There are also problems with making such a large engine especially around weight.

As far as I can tell all the Ferrari's that start with an F followed by a number, are mid-engine. So it could possibly be a new supercar more closely related to the F40, F50, Enzo. The placement of the exhaust and considering the general shape of the back end this looks as though it's possible it could be mid-engine.

germans do seem to like to take italian designs that look great but lack practicality then make them better.