
Now, >that’s< a flattering shot

Some call it one of BMW’s finest skunkworks project. Having owned two of them, I would say it is equally one of BMW’s most quarter-assed attempts at making a decent car (half of BMW’s standard half-assed planned-obsolescence efforts).

That’s not a BAD thing, the current crop of BMW interiors is pretty damn good.

I hear that. I originally downloaded fortnite just to see what everyone was talking about. And had similar problems, though not nearly as bad as say PUBG where I felt like I was roaming for even longer. I enjoyed Fortnite though for it’s fun cartoony art style, which is something that I really gravitate towards and


I’m between cars right now. I’m planning a move to the west coast (from Florida), so I’m waiting to avoid paying to transport two cars. My last car was an E92 M3. The best thing about that car wasn’t its performance, it was the song the S65 sang at 8k RPM, and how friendly it was at the limit. Admittedly,

There’s a photography trope that says, “the best camera is the one you have with you.” The idea is that the best photographs aren’t always the ones that are sharpest, or have the most accurate color, or the most megapixels; but rather the best photographs capture a moment that moves you, and those moments pass

Epiphany. We can fix the burnout problem quickly and easily while keeping the true spirit of Cars and Coffee alive.

The pre-vanos engines run forever, I had an ‘89 e34 525i that went to 400k miles on the original engine and tranny, now I own an 85 e23 745i that has been my daily driver for four years and have never had it let me down. I love the pre-vanos engines!

Dear ‘Murricans on Jalopnik - please stop being stupid. Can You? Please?

We actually polled this at work, as part of a ride sharing/feel good/save gas/save trees thingy some guys are proposing.

It’s not designed to be a primary car, that’s been obvious and stated from the start.

How many days this year have you carried more than one person in your car?

It’s about time sombody mentioned those m20 and m30 engines. Had an e30 as my first car for 11 years and did nothing to begat engine except new coolant components and a crankshaft position sensor. For what reliability is worth, B27=22RE

I bought a 135k m44 from a high school kid that beat the ever-living shit out of it. Aside from cleaning up some of his messes, the only reliability issue I have is a stuck-open thermostat and a bad clutch on the AC compressor. Sure, my last car, an Accord, didn't have those issues, but it did require two

Tavarish wouldn't be Tavarish if he bought cars that have been cared for. He's scraping the bottom of the barrel, and that's his "thing".

Uh, are you forgetting the M50? Those are one of the most reliable BMW 6 cylinders ever.

Agreed, I’d put $1,100 on an old Omega instead.