
A number of laptop manufacturers have figured out how to make enterprise marketed laptops more secure while running Windows I would think the same could be done for a phone.

Problem is (well one of them at least) I think it is still a separate store. Why would I want to switch to a Blackberry when I have already purchased a number of apps on the Android Market. They have been shredding marketshare in droves and need to recapture some of it. Also I bet a good number of apps wont bother

Just noticed how many BMW's from ~1960 - ~2000 have been suggested. 507, Isetta, e9, 1600, 2002, e21, e26, e28, e30, e31, e34, e36, e38, e39, e46

Isn't that a 507?

Seems to me RIM would be better off making Blackberries that run Android then creating some proprietary apps like BBM that somehow only run on their phones. So they would still be making hardware and software but they would have a many more apps available and would no longer need to spend so much time and money

instead he should... sleep outside ;)

thermal properties maybe? or maybe just because if it was made from plastic; everyone would complain how cheap mercedes was on this +$1million dollar car

Nope I don't own one and never have. Driven one a couple times and I would to love own one some day but its just too impractical for me right now.

I remember watching a news story about one of these cars that turned out to be a lemon before even being sold from a private dealership. Mercedes refused to repare it because it wasn't legally purchased through Mercedes Benz of America.

The idea that the MR2 spider is a chick car needs to stop. It's a mid-engine Miata with better handeling but without any storage.

video removed?

thats silly planes don't weigh anything.... i mean they fly. duh. wow some people...

here is the dash

I think many people may have misread the question. It's not: what is the most quintessential Japanese car (which car represents the essence of Japanese cars). It is: what is the most quintessentially Japanese car (which car represents the essence of Japan).

Now that's a good reasonable answer.

Where is the dodge? The swimming one is the evolution of a car you own and the other is the same brand.
