





Does that beat terrible body kits? ....possibly

How has BMW earned such a bad rap? I feel like the worst drivers I know in german cars are the people behind the wheel of a Mercedes or some newer VW's (pre '90s are exempt so no offense meant to your baja).

Now playing

not a dyno video but you will probably appreciate this one:

Camo cars!

That car is stunning!

You can easily find one in that price range with around 100-150k miles. At least thats true here in the North East after reading through the comments it sounds like they may be more expensive in other places.

And the Avanti

There are two american cars that I always thought were very french. The Kaiser Darrin (pictured) with its funny sliding doors and the Studebaker Avanti (next post)

I also agree it really is a great looking phone. I think it has a nicer design than 95% of Android phones. I do however keep my N1 is a casemate most days because it keeps it from sliding around in the car or slipping out of a pocket.

I dont get how this makes any sense.

Sounds to me like the most disappointing commercial.

Well last year I daily drove my 300zx... In New England... With summer tires (I realize this was dumb and unsafe). It was quite fun and sometimes terrifying. With out a doubt it was good dose of daily automotive entertainment.

It supposedly gets about 10mpg so thats a range of around 700miles (hell of a lot better than my cars). Plus it has plenty of power to carry as many additional fuel tanks as you could ever want to add.

Nothing for Datsun yet?

An International CXT because 70 gallon tank, 4wd, and can tow 20 tons