I was going to say “because they want to sell records”, but nobody does that anymore.
I was going to say “because they want to sell records”, but nobody does that anymore.
Just to let everyone know, Hypno-Hustler first appeared in an issue titled ... (wait for it) ... “Spider-Man Night Fever”.
How many Matthew Perry Has A Book To Sell articles did the AV Club contract out for?
I bet Jeff Garlin thought the show was done. News of a 10th season must really make his vagina hurt just that much more.
Lots of guys like to watch their buddies fuck!
“If John Wayne were alive and came out”
Mayim “I actually have a PhD, have I told you about it?” Bialik belongs second to last, only above Dr. Oz. She’s an anti-vax sympathizer who is currently doing commercials for some brain health supplement snake oil too.
Also, they should just have Patrick Warburton do it.
In spite of his rage he still locked his dick in a cage.
“Oh, we don’t ride our bikes, we just fix them.”
Remember that episode of Day By Day where Ross fell asleep and dreamt he was in a Brady Bunch episode? Then Chris Barnes (Ross) went on to play Greg in the Brady Bunch movies.
I read this article partly to see if they would acknowledge that in their Simpsons Guy discussion and was surprised to see it didn’t even merit a name drop.
Right after Zach Snyder’s “Zach Snyder’s Justice League Zach Snyder’s Cut” reboot.
Jesus Christ Dean, the Da Vinci Code made more sense than you! Get some help, and get off the internet!
There’s just something empty about the setting for one thing. It’s generic 50s, generic midwest/rust belt (they say it’s Kansas City but it sure doesn’t feel like Kansas City), quirky but ultimately one-note stereotypical mobsters.
It may seem extreme but if we’re trying to stop Adam Sandler movies from getting made then this is the proper response.
Bob’s Burger: Electric Burgaloo.
If Elton John tried out for the Lakers, this might be the footwear.