well if that just isn’t the perfect picture of america, i don’t know what is.

messages of anti-racism and hate....smothered by blind patriotism.

I have criminal training, can get evidence, and knowledge on how to conduct a trial—and am a Title IX administrator. So...what’s your argument against me doing this work now? (Former attorney, masters in education, by the way.). It isn’t that this is solely criminal or solely administrative: it’s both.

I think you’re making this comment from a well intentioned, but not-very-informed place. I work on a campus. One situation I’ve seen is when a student needs to switch out of a required class to get away from a rapist, but the only other session of the course is during another of the victim’s required courses. But the

The university has to be involved. What happens in the event of one classmate raping another, should the victim be forced to participate in classes with the accused in the months or even years before a trial and verdict is reached.

Universities do not “conduct a trial,” they hold hearings to see whether a student has violated the student code of conduct. This has nothing to do with criminal charges (which a student can still pursue in parallel to reporting the incident to the university).

Diana, you are an incredible writer and I’m not surprised you published another essential piece. I can’t think of this without thinking about “The Hunting Ground”. The film made a point that athletics and rape are on different sides of the coin. They are both different forms of publicity; rape is negative publicity

Now playing

“No one has even come close to pulling it off. I often fear that our highly individualistic heroes cannot, by nature, work with each other to stop billionaires from bending them over the table. I hope that I’m wrong.”

Traumatic brain injury really is the best reason I can think of for being a Trump supporter.

They are not very smart and tend to gravitate towards simple explanations. Most conspiracies, once you get past the bells and whistles, are just simple explanations for very complex and hard to understand forces.

As a former investigator:

No. He “went after” the Clinton administration over some allegedly corrupt land deals which turned out to be absolutely fucking nothing. After spending 60 million dollars of taxpayer money and 6 years and dragging dozens of people through the mud (including digging into people’s book buying habits) all he got was one

He started on Whitewater. Five years later he stumbled upon a lie about a blowjob.

And remember, the Monica Lewinsky thing happened because Starr was tasked with pinning the Whitewater scandal on Bill Clinton and he couldn’t, so he went on a fishing expedition.

Modern conservative movement bruh. Team politics at its finest.

Oh, the lovely Daily Mail - when they’re not outright lying, they’re misrepresenting. The first thing - sea ice coverage has been going down steadily for decades. The low sea ice coverage in 2012 wasn’t just part of the regular decline of 13.4% a decade, it was a disastrously, freakishly low amount - a more than 30%

Regarding the arctic, you are flat out lying.

Take a deep breath. Relax for a minute. You get all these reminders, yes. You know how many you 10 years ago? Other than Al Gore, not many. You’re looking at a symptom of progress and seeing it is a fault, not a positive sign that it is. If you’re doing these things, KEEP DOING THEM.
When I was a kid, people mocked us

For starters, don’t vote for people who block reforms and deny the science.

It’s very hard to both acknowledge that Clinton’s popularity is mired by sexist attitudes about women in public life, and that there are also other reasons why folks distrust her or dislike her. If you bring up one of these points, people tend to hit you over the head with the other fact, as if they can’t both be