The erosion of our trust in elites is real and deserved. Not because actual experts have failed us, but because we have this epidemic of people thinking they are experts at everything and that their opinion is not only something they a right to, but is something that has merit regardless of their actual expertise.

There are 117 Green Party nominees running for any office in the whole country. I live in Illinois and there are 6 Green Party candidates statewide. (Check your own state here.) For comparison’s sake, there are approximately 520,000 possible public offices in the U.S., so the Green Party is attempting to fill .0002%

Notice she uttered the ultimate Lefty granola dog whistle - MONSANTO!

My first choice is Sanders, but my second choice isn’t Clinton, who shares a great many of Sanders’s policy positions, but Johnson, who shares none of Sanders’s policy positions. Because we can’t betray the revolution (which apparently has no substantive policy goals). Also, I like that Sanders and Johnson are both

Back in the Bush/Gore/Nader menage a’ merde, I was an angry young punk rocker. I was as angry a young punk rocker who ever graduated from a small private liberal arts school and scored a job with a big insurance company a few months later, I mean. (Now I’m a social worker who fully repents of his corporate daze, but

If Jill Stein had any intention of actually doing anything other than running a vanity campaign every four years until she dies, she’d actually try building a political career by getting elected to something - anything - else. The fact that you only hear her name every four years says everything about her character

I feel like this is a safe space for me to rail against the Green Party (and all “third” parties in the U.S.) for a second.

It’s popular among a certain segment of establishment-wary liberals to say that it’s not that vaccines are unsafe, necessarily, but that the Food and Drug Administration oversees them The FDA and other federal regulatory agencies can’t be fully trusted, that argument goes, and so vaccine safety is called into

I voted for Stein in 2012 (it was more a vote for The Green Party than Stein to be honest) and I was really hoping that if the Greens were going to try and continue making inroads to become a viable 3rd option that they would have moved past Stein and found a more appealing candidate.

The reference to Bill’s 3rd term definitely seems sexist. But she and her campaign staff have most certainly peddled her agenda as the continuation of Obama’s policies. So to say her presidency would be a continuation is not such a stretch.

Hilary is a terrible speaker. I just wrote a post about this. The problem isn’t with acknowledging that she’s a horrible orator. We acknowledge that about Romney, too, for example. The problem is that it hits an emotional/sexist nerve with some people. They aren’t just saying that she’s a terrible speaker. They are

Honestly, though, even if she were “perfect,” she would still be neck-and-neck with Trump, and someone would have taken a lot of primary votes. There at many reasons for this, including structural realities of American politics and the demographic and geographic realities of contemporary America.

Now you’re just flying off the rails away from what we’re talking about, which is whether her oratory skills are sufficient, and where criticisms of her speech go from being legitimate to being sexist. 10 years of planning can’t change the fact that she doesn’t have the same natural speaking ability as people like her

“Robotic” and “insincere” are both perfectly fine criticisms. So, in fact, are Sullivan’s “pedestrian” and “uninspiring”. People are free to disagree with you, but those are terms that are routinely applied to male speakers as well as female.

I definitely think Sullivan fell into the trap of double standards when it comes to men and women speaking.

I am a registered Republican my entire life. I have volunteered for many Republican candidates and donate to their campaigns. But, this year for the first time, I am voting Democrat for President. I refuse to vote for a man who mocks the disabled and is a racist who plays footsie with the KKK. Shame on any Republican

I don’t think so. People have VERY short memories.

This was Cruz’s opening salvo for his 2020 run.

well if that just isn’t the perfect picture of america, i don’t know what is.

messages of anti-racism and hate....smothered by blind patriotism.

Diana, you are an incredible writer and I’m not surprised you published another essential piece. I can’t think of this without thinking about “The Hunting Ground”. The film made a point that athletics and rape are on different sides of the coin. They are both different forms of publicity; rape is negative publicity