That's not really a concern. Todays vaccines have a much smaller amount of antigens than they used to. Because we've become much better at making vaccines and understanding the immune system. So even as we give kids more vaccines the effect on the immune system is much less than we experienced as kids.

I’m glad you brought this up. I wonder how the LW knows they were shitty boyfriends. If he only heard it from her, I’d be willing to bet that they just didn’t put up with her crazy, insecure, and controlling behavior. I'm sure once the LW breaks up with her, he will be shitty boyfriend #3.

I'm sure he had a big fish in a small pond thing going on. Also, your assuming that either of these two women were catches themselves. He was probably the best they could do.

I think you're spot on. But, I'm curious about your last paragraph. Are you taking issue with the footage shown during coverage, or the use of the term obesity epidemic it's self.