After two shitty boyfriends, both of which were only using her, she has finally agreed to date me.

“I’m honestly not sure if I made a rash choice in dating Lily”

And so are you, coming up with her being asexual and how they should deal with it when there’s no evidence that’s her deal.

And the LDR the letter writer describes is clearly not a relationship in any meaningful sense of the word. It’s him desperately trying to hold onto a crush that defined him throughout a huge part of his young adult/adult life without admitting to the fact that Lily is terribly high maintenance, to say the least, and

LDRs only work, in my opinion (and I say this having been in several),when there is a defined, agreed upon, set in stone end point. Otherwise it’s the worst thing ever. The only one of mine that worked out (we got married, in fact) was when the “long distance” part was clearly temporary, and was something we knew

She doesn’t like the same things I do, but does? We’re like two opposite sides of the same coin. She prefers fantasy over sci-fi, I prefer sci-fi over fantasy. She prefers turn-based strategy games, I prefer League of Legends. She’s willing to try new stuff, but usually doesn’t necessarily like it and I will. Ruby

Regarding the first letter, you seem to have missed the part about how the gf has some sort of issue that she hasn’t shared with anyone (including the letter writer). The way I read the letter, this issue (whatever it may be) seems to be tied closely to their issues involving sex and as of the time of the letter, the

The way that people use the friend zone makes it sound like the person who is just a friend is doing something wrong/harmful/etc to the person who has the crush. And that’s just bullshit. The “friend,” is no way responsible for your feelings, and you don’t deserve shit just because you were nice to them. You’re

And a lot of Republicans will be happy to tell you that Fox is center-left, the WSJ is less partisan than the NYT, and Rush is under constant attack from the powerul NPR socialists who control the government. As long as they keep repeating the story of persecution, it’ll get picked up as fact somewhere (see, for

The most watched network is Fox. The biggest radio show is Rush. The most popilular natonal paper is the Wall St Journal. 2/3 of newspaper endorsements are republicans, even in strong Liberal cities (NY Daily News, Detroit News, etc.)

Stories covered by conservative outlets (like Breitbart, Washington Examiner, and Newsmax) that were trending enough to be picked up by Facebook’s algorithm were excluded unless mainstream sites like the New York Times, the BBC, and CNN covered the same stories.

Stories covered by conservative outlets (like Breitbart, Washington Examiner, and Newsmax) that were trending enough to be picked up by Facebook’s algorithm were excluded unless mainstream sites like the New York Times, the BBC, and CNN covered the same stories.

Breitbart, Washington Examiner, and Newsmax

Well, this is a great way to get back at an employer that treated you poorly. Sic the entire angry right wing on ‘em.

“history of liberal violence”

So perpetuating this intolerance and leaving some disabled woman on the side of the road stranded somehow makes things better in your mind? Are you daft?

Being a Christian myself, (but wouldn’t ever pull anything dumb like this) it always puzzles me when self proclaimed Christians do un- Christian things like this, then claim that God told them to do it, but don’t realize because of their twisted interpretation that they did the exact opposite of what a Christian is

For every good Samaritan, you have a Levite that walks past.

helpfully suggested that she “call the government” for a tow. I guess you just call the front desk at the Department of Transportation for that?

Funny thing is, leaving is absolutely the opposite of what Jesus would have done.