To all people out there who think Freelee is bullying them:

I think your point would be more valid if you didn’t pick such insanely terrible examples of things that you think are always controllable, or things that are so impossibly hard to change that they might as well be uncontrollable.

Just because women don’t like you, doesn’t mean they don’t like men.

I find it really bizarre that people are so insistent on viewing misogyny as separate from other kinds of hate and so reluctant to label misogynist groups as hate groups.

Who is scowling at male teachers and calling them pedophiles? That is not a thing.

It’s not that there aren’t legitimate men’s rights issues, it’s that the people who take up the banner of defending these legitimate issues actually ignore them almost entirely except when they need a good cover; instead they spend most of their time being misogynists and making rape threats.

But, wait, how could TRP Alphas have time between being high-paid STEM geniuses, banging all the HB10s they got through sick Game, and preparing to save the country from the rape-hordes the Western Women are inviting here to complain on the Internet all day?

A little surprising to see The Red Pill promoted, because they have long been known as proponents of misogyny, rape, and homophobia.

Right? Why can't they get that MEN are the ones writing these characters??

The problem of misandry in media?

WBC actually is a hate group.

Reddit has no obligation to do anything, but you lecturing people on how the 1st amendment works is pretty rich considering your understanding of it is pretty flawed.

An example is the TV trope of the “doofus dad” in commercials and TV shows.”

The Red Pill most certainly is a hate group. Not sure what ZadocPaet is getting at.

Here’s the pup at his birthday party:

“Why can’t I just ask her out? I’m Keith Hernandez, dammit.”

I've been in a eight hour, coke-fueled jackoff session, looking at the most horrific shit you can dream up. I feel no shame.

I’m sorry. I’d love to be joining ya’ll in the jokes, but this article makes me fucking see red.

I went to school with his wife (who was very nice and very beautiful). They were, and I imagine still are, very religious. I imagine that has something to do with the zeal on display here.