A) the alpha/beta divide doesn’t actually exist in nature, only in captivity; in the wild, animal groups are almost entirely familial.

B) The exception being lions, which doesn’t really square up in any case since humans aren’t felines.

C) the only primate species with an dominant male/harem social structure are

you talk like a wounded man, SquintMan

Virginity itself is not a measure of anything, but you sound like a guy that observes and judges The Female from afar, and comes up with all sorts of fun generalizations about the species. And no, I don’t care if it’s a trilby or a fedora.

It’s toxic masculinity at its worst. People think that he’s a weak victim who deserves what he’s getting because he’s weak and not masculine enough. We don’t let men have any weakness.

Jesus, dude… You sound so fucking judgmental and self-righteous.

But there is context here that you can’t ignore.

People with this mindset are actually like....out there....in the world.

That comment made me shudder.

you need to alpha up your beta game

...you realize saying it was statistically insignificant works against the point you’re trying to make, right?

My advice from failed relationships of the past: if the word “LOVE” gets thrown around within the first two months, run the other way as fast as you can.

Yeah, I would not have a single fuck to give if my wife was getting off to Magic Mike or even hardcore porn.

Reading your comment was like looking into a thousand relationships that fall apart due to ludicrously unrealistic expectations of the other partner.

You have some self-esteem issues dude, watching porn doesn’t make you “lust over the actors” on the screen. I watch porn, the men are generally way better built than my boyfriend, it doesn’t make me want to have sex with them.

“The problem with porn is you can’t love a woman AND love porn too. If you look at porn your cheating on the woman. Why? Because all your thrills should be from the things you “do” with her.”


This is not good advice.

It’s not ludicrous. You’re thinking on the scale of an individual pod. When you scale it up to how it works in the real world it’s a significant amount of material going into landfills that does not need to be there in the first place.

You haven’t read the article have you? The pods are expensive, clog up landfills and the coffee is subpar. You literally did nothing to counter those (valid) points, except blather about an expensive piece of crap you bought while you could’ve gotten a machine for basically free.

“for me the single pod concept is actually less wasteful”