66 Mustang + Hybrid + Mall Explorer

Governor Jerry Brown came up dead last in the 1992 primary, so I’m not convinced he could run again. Presumptive Governor Gavin Newsom would be a brand new governor in 2019 and it would be met with as much backlash as Palin did when she ran as VP as a new governor.

I agree with this. I’d rather see a robust primary campaign. The GOP ran a small army’s worth of candidates and it clearly didn’t hurt them in the end.

How about starting with the actual progressive candidates that did run in Montana and Kansas for special election but got almost no help from the DNC, whereas centrist android Jon Ossoff receives the most money for a rep election ever. And he still fucking lost!

Without that there would never have been any conquering by the GOP because, given national demographic changes in the US over the past 30 years, Dems would have won in 2000, 2oo4, and 2016.

“She” may have stepped out of the public spotlight, but her cronies run the party. That’s what the fuck all these comments are about - she and her ilk running the DNC into the ground by tacking right and lifelong leftists and actual Democrats saying this is bullshit. The article is literally about conflict in the DNC

Comes from town of uneducated hicks - thinks education wouldn’t help the situation.

Republicans ran on “repeal Obamacare” starting in 2010. and it WORKED. Democrats need a 25-second policy position that they can shoehorn into every single interview, tweet, Facebook post, etc. that the party can rally around.

Nope, I didn’t say that only 1% have refrigerators just that the 97.6% of the poor in the US do.

It is...but it doesn’t account for how the electricity was made or losses across the grid. Also, the battery electric vehicle is much heavier, which cuts into the gains. You could also size the ICE to make less power than needed for maximum acceleration and use an energy buffer. Imagine SUVs with 1.0 3 cylinders that

Yes but on the other hand Denmark has some of the highest taxes ANYWHERE in the world. Their income tax alone is %60.2 for any income over $55,000. Then add in a %25 sales tax oh and don’t forget that %180 import tax on gasoline engines. Sure they do get a lot back from their government in things like healthcare, free

Whereas going off patent and going OTC are completely different things, there are good reasons for these particular drugs to go OTC.

If I’m understanding you correctly (former survey methods and stats professor, here), your claim is that because the profile of the average user of each medium is different, you’d need 35 million people to construct a representative dataset?

So why did you vote for Trump, and did you get what you voted for?

We’re very close to state-run capitalism... We have a capitalist-run state.

Alleged? Comey was investitgating him. He fired Comey.

Oh, what did you mean? I just mean that people have to preface it with “alleged” unless they like a libel suit up their butt, that is all.

NWO white has no market now. The Republican base now is both Nationalist (America First) and Socialist (Government should have a role in reducing the cost of health care: we should work to guaranteeing cheaper care for everyone)

It is “alleged” until conviction. Would “Trump suspect in obstruction of justice” sound better to you? The court of public opinion is not a court.

You silly. Like the legit Taliban in Afghanistan, the American Taliban currently has control of the military and law enforcement, as well as de facto control of the vast majority of the country’s territory, much to the consternation of the democratically elected officials and appointed civilians.

See, House Democrats instinctively understand that they shouldn’t back a controversial measure that currently has no chance of passage in the Senate.