66 Mustang + Hybrid + Mall Explorer

See, the model minority myth has us all thinking that Asian people have as much right to be racist, classist, and sexist as White people, but when there is outrage Asians are the first ones thrown under the bus. See: this lady, Asian cop killing an unarmed black man, etc etc.

Well, we don’t talk about animal abuse as an issue for only people with pets, we don’t feel like we have to justify outrage about pedophilia to people who don’t have kids. These things are inherently bad, as is being racist towards children.

There are two things you wouldn’t understand about Hillary’s private email server if you haven’t worked Federal, and you grew up after the 90s.

Yes, an actual revolt will work. But as you’ve alluded to in your post, the only people who are interested in that are the people who will decry Trump’s removal from office as an undemocratic coup engineered by Democrats and the Deep State, and aided by swampy career politician RINOS. I am deeply afraid of those odds.

Yup. Never forget GOP leadership abetted treason just for a chance to boot 24 million Americans off health care.

NPR cannot detach itself from “giving right wingers a seat at the table” financially due to their funding structure. If they do not at least minimally appeal to say 10% of GOP congressmen their federal funding will cease to exist. They make up for some of it from listener drives which push them left of center, but

Ignoring all of the other BS you’re spewing...it makes no sense to have these two stories in the same comment because they clearly contradict each other.

If you believe in a legislated cap on the allowed charges by doctors, the deregulation the GOP is trying to shove down your throat is directly opposite to your beliefs.

Okay, I get where you’re getting your anecdotes from. Yes, Reagancare really sucks and that raises costs. Not because of “illegals”, mind you, but because we’re not paying for routine care, and because we spend upwards of 33% of our health care costs trying to recover hospital costs that can’t be recovered because the

“I know of people from Europe who came here through Mexico illegally simply for free healthcare”

I’m sure you can come up with anecdotes for each of those examples, but here’s the actual legal basis for your claim:

It’s more than that. If you were to remove all British references, you’d have to rename Georgia and the Carolinas and Virginia and Maryland.

To the degree that Union troops basically declared martial law in Baltimore and prevented Maryland from seceding, yes, slaves were held in the north. And to the degree that the Confederacy ran out of able bodied White men between the ages of 13 and 61, and conscripted/commandeered slaveowners’ property to the

I think “exploit” gained its current negative connotations fairly recently, as at my first full time job my boss (probably 75+ now) would routinely use “exploit” as a jargonly synonym to “use” whereas in my industry at the time has already taken that word to mean “infiltrate.”

Yeah, but that doesn’t really actually “Whiten” a resume, not to the extent that “Christian first name” + “Slaveowner last name” does. There is actually someone at my office who just added in a European-origin name to his Chinese name, so (at least in this case) it doesn’t have to do with improved employment prospects.

Theoretically the mainline as i define it would be the Republicans for small government and tax cuts. Arguably they are no longer mainstream, as a frighteningly large number of the Trump coalition are big-government Nationalists.

If you’re offended by someone telling you it’s not helpful, you’re NOT an ally. Enjoy your own self-outrage bubble.

Yeah, but how do you whiten an Asian last name?

If a little dick-suck on the side is impeachable, incompetence has to be.

Also given the September sticker, I’d say this car’s been running around for about 8-9 months.