66 Mustang + Hybrid + Mall Explorer

So many people on the streets (I worked a “progressive” precinct) did not care about the threat of Trump, and only cared that the Democratic candidate was less ideologically pure than what they wanted, I knew we were fucked the minute I saw the lines of voters in Harrisburg on TV.

Yup, he is probably the most destructive president in modern times. And he had to compete with presidents sending kids to go die in Vietnam.

You do know what happens when you pay government officials a pittance, right? One of two things: Incompetence, or Corruption.

Yeah those are probably more properly called speculators.

Okay, so purposely support policies that direct talented individuals away from the government, and then use that as evidence that government is incompetent? Small wonder, right?

I think they’re counting on being able to afford to crank up their AC and install a whole-house air filter.

In pure economic theory, though, the expected value of the first ticket is $1.425 and the 2nd one $7.50. Because of temporal discounting, though, they will be priced at a discount due to the time horizon involved. So fair market value of these, if the return period is 10 years, is probably closer to $1.10 and $6.00,

Interestingly enough, GOOG today is trading at a similar multiple to its IPO price than F is from its lowest price at the depths of the financial crisis.

I think Andrew Jackson probably can top that.

The LEPFP strongly implied that they’re only going to eat people’s faces who “deserved” it.

The LEPFP strongly implied that they’re only going to eat people’s faces who “deserved” it.

And yet you have no problems with paycheck transparency for state and federal employees? You’re not concerned that private firms bid higher for state and federal employees leaving the most incompetent working for the government? And then you want to cut their pay because they’re incompetent? What a world we live in.

The reason why nobody points a finger at white college educated men is that their Trump vote directly benefits them in a sensical way. If you are higher income, healthy, and you’re not being targeted by the police, then Trump’s policies would directly benefit you.

Right, and the electorate didn’t want socialized medicine either. Nor did they want civil rights for the blacks. Nor did they want Southern reconstruction.

You can’t, not in any majority-rules system. Being that most parliamentary systems need a majority of members to build a ruling coalition, and that the opposition parties need to band up to resist, the first group to lose members to a 3rd party loses.

It’s a lot easier to be an ideological purist when you’ve never had to work with anyone to get anything done.

You are factually wrong about Hillary “leaving Pennsylvania alone”. We canvassed and worked the streets every day up to the election, and all we heard from the bernie bros was that they’re too disgusted by both sides and are going to stay home. Guess what, bernie bros staying home handed PA to the Orange Cheetolini.

But where are the brown and manual parts?

But where are the brown and manual parts?

A family with a household income of 50k/yr presumably is also a family with two wage earners who are of the “if you don’t get to work on time / as expected you’ll be fired” class. For a large part of America, transit doesn’t work. A family with a household income of 50k/yr is also presumably a family with very little