66 Mustang + Hybrid + Mall Explorer

The reason these dudes don’t rent a track (because money isn’t the issue here) is because they don’t really have the skills to run flat-out on a track. It’s a lot easier to go due north at a sustained 100+mph on a straight highway than trying to floor it for a mile long straight, and brake and navigate a 180 hairpin

And yet, 7mph over what you just said was average freeway speeds in California is an automatic reckless driving / excessive speed charge in California. Go ahead, ask me how I know...

The problem with young leftists is that while they hear about how non-privileged folks struggle, they also feel like they had to work for what they have, so they didn’t get it all handed to them on a platter.

Of course not, when has he screamed about jobs lost to Canada? When has he proposed a Canadian wall?

See, he heard on the radio-box one night that people were “getting busy in the Burger King bathroom” and decided that’s what the youngs were doing in restaurants.

According to my fundamentalist ex, that only works because you’ve already fucked him before and figured out it wasn’t for you.

So I’m thinking that Wahoo’s Fish Tacos are completely out of the question?

Well, I’m a fiscal conservative too, though I lean more on the “raise taxes” side of it. What’s different between balancing a budget in a family, and balancing the budget as a sovereign nation that issues the world’s reserve fiat currency, is that as a small family operator nobody is giving me unsecured loans with 1%

Toyota vehicles of the time were vastly superior.

Except you can’t even do the airline food bit, now, because anyone who exclusively flies domestic economy has NEVER experienced airline food.

As a resident of a smallish city, there needs to be some means to allow for part-time drivers to come out and meet very periodic demand. There will never be enough licensed cab drivers to get everyone home on a Friday night, or after the minor-league game where alcohol is served. Allowing randos to drive you home with

Yeah, how do you afford living in OC with a Vegas salary? I’m making less than half of what I could make in the Bay Area but yeah, cost of living is at least 3 times higher, with housing being 3-4x if you rent, and like 10x if you buy.

You see, there was once this company that bet its entire farm on this exact scenario. A small number of haves buying / leasing new luxury cars, a larger number of institutions buying new mass-market fleet cars, and all the poors buying off-lease luxury cars and retired fleet cars. And there would be a big financial

Between the Santa Clara 49ers, the Vegas Raiders, and the San Francisco Warriors, I think us in the Bay Area have learned that loyalty means nothing to these clowns on the public dole.

I think there are fewer single-issue voters that aren’t based in bright-line moral issues. Pro-lifers are probably easier to turn around than others when they finally realize that everything else the GOP does is directly opposite of Jesus’s teachings of love and tolerance, and the Trinity himself basically told his

Good for you! You shouldn’t be worried about admissions to a state college: as long as you meet the (published) standards you will get in. When I got into the state college I wanted to get it, the published formula was 1000*GPA + SAT1 + SAT2 subject 1 + SAT2 subject 2 + SAT2 subject 3. The cutoff was something

To be completely truthful, between Apple dropping support for older devices in newer OS revisions, and apps dropping support for older OS revisions, it does feel like the Apple police came and pried my 4 non-S from my cold dead hands.

Here’s a dream: give these away to needy individuals along with a “compliance kit” for people to learn how to wrench on and bring back into compliance.

No doubt, you’re surrounded by European-American excellence. You’re conveniently ignoring the excellence by other groups. I would love to see all the non-European-Americans stop performing their excellence for your benefit and have you immediately cut off from the internet.

You act like there’s a seat at a university marked “white only” that they’re taking away. In reality, for the state college I went to, if you don’t meet minimum entrance requirements I don’t care if you’re the ET kind of alien, you’re not getting in.