66 Mustang + Hybrid + Mall Explorer

Ideally any shittier TrumpCare plan is not going to get buy in from swing district reps who will most certainly get voted out if this thing passes as is.

Unless Trump actively acts against the interest of a large enough faction of Republicans, this will never happen. There aren’t enough votes to start impeachment proceedings. The minute he caves to the moderates about abortion rights, however, I expect the dominos to fall.

To them, it will be a conspiracy perpetrated by the Deep State, convicted by librul appointed judges, in a stacked jury, and impeached by career politicians deep in the pockets of big business.

Nice try. What you posted is a SUMMARY of the CLAIMS made by a conspiracy theorist in a book he’s trying to sell. Unsubstantiated, mind you. Find the Clinton Foundation IRS 990 forms from the past 10 years (they’re publicly available), read them, and get back to me.

35mpg real world for gas powered cars MEETS the 54.5 standard. 54.5 includes counting all plug in hybrids as 80+ CAFE MPG, electric cars get booked as 100+ MPGe, it’s complicated but necessary to figure out how to count advanced technology that don’t involve directly using gasoline.

Continuous improvements are a big deal too. Witness the slow migration of the cat from under the middle of the car to being bolted directly to the manihead.

On the other hand GMAC is now completely independent of GM, maybe hinting at the next collapse of GM. There’s no longer a finance arm backstopping automaking volatility...

Everything is financially correct, but it remains true that an early buyout of the lease pulls profits forward to this particular quarter. Also we don’t know how many of those loans that were bought out were at risk of default, so this is like the Dieselgate buyout guaranteeing subprime loans made by VW Financial.

No, we’re going to engage and disprove. This is false equivalency.

Yup, and that’s the author’s point. A 2007 Civic is a $6000 car now, though trying to get a loan for a 10 year old car is tough. So I guess I could see a point where inability to pay cash upfront would lead to financing a newer car. Still I think credit unions will generally finance up to 5 model years old.

I’m not really sure about that; I’ve always felt that Cosby only did so well because he showed white people that black people can play-act white people too. It’s like he threw all the people who weren’t upwardly mobile under the bus.

Both parties are in the pockets of big business, which is why even something passed by Democrats are business friendly and far less socialist than anyone cares to admit. See: the Heritage Foundation-designed Obamacare.

The first showroom had a period-correct ‘99ish Jetta in it. The 2nd showroom (which I didn’t notice) had the incorrect ‘17 Passat. And the 3rd showroom is current times so it’s supposed to have the ‘17s in stock.

Well employer based insurance now have to cover more things, so that’s been going up in price, too.

Oh don’t worry, they’re busy dismantling publicly funded schools and roads too.

Which is funny, because there are FOUR PAGES in the document circulating that denies coverage to lottery winners.

Given that the network of private service providers isn’t going to go away, the government is cross-shopping the providers, and comparing prices with those in foreign countries. Presumably they would have the right to drop expensive providers from network, moving them to a cash-only service?

Single payer didn’t have buy-in from conservative Democrats from swing states.

The GOP wanted insurance companies to be able to sell insurance from the least regulated state, network coverage be damned.