
Yeah, and you’ve been able to play the game for almost 2 years. If you regret buying it, that’s on you. It’s completely normal for games to come down in price over time. In fact, I would have actually bought it already, if Sony lowered the price from $60 over the last TWO YEARS. Now I’m actually glad they didn’t - I’d

Look without sounding like I’m being difficult etc. Genuinely interested in a Peter apology, back in the day I watched lots of his interviews and never saw that. You know of a couple you can link?

I think my major point is simply that Sean doesn’t have to do any of this. He sounds like someone passionate about gaming

Do you even economics bruh? Things become cheaper over time, well at the very least games tend to. People who purchase games on release know this, the only one ripping them off is themselves.

As for Sean, I’m mixed on what we should think about him. But I will say this: Molyneux never went back and fixed any of his

I don’t feel ripped off. Granted I was a little disappointed at first, but once they stated the major expansions, I was happy to have supported them at launch.

Say what you want about Sean Murray, but he’s really come around and proved that a team can really turn a turd into a diamond with a lot of genuinely received feedback. No Man’s Sky was a decent game upon release, but wow, did it lack a lot of stuff that many people were expecting.

“I’d love to avoid talking completely and just make things people can play.”

I’ve been gaming since, what, 1986 or so? It’s true that trash talk has been part of competition (of any kind) likely since its inception—but in the arcades, we had to be ready for physical consequences for our verbal bullshit.

Online trolls don’t have the fear of catching a fist with their face, and so they escalate

The company with the most consistently boring E3 showing is the first to announce their E3 plans. Can’t wait for Battlefield 9000, a zillion sports games (with a special appearance from a celebrity athlete you don’t care about), a token indie game that will turn out to be mediocre, and Mass Effect Anthem, which I’m

My Totally Written While Sober Theory:

I think those antennae things detect the invisible things, turn to point to them and blink faster depending how close they are. Probably

“We forgot that we can sell much of our pre-owned stock of games between now and the holiday shopping season. So we’ll resume the program once we have more money and fewer used games to rent.”

I love Sony’s open invitation to smaller studios to do artful, experimental games like this, I just wish more of them were actually as fun to play as they are pleasant to look at. See: Entwined, Unfinished Swan, Bound, etc.

A fellow dev of mine works on a really popular (read: top 10 on steam) game, and is on Twitter a lot. Even when he tweets really benign things, the first comments are some variation of “fuck you, fix ur game” or “why are you talking about xyz when you could be doing abc in the game bitch.”

That’s true. I don’t really want a third Team Fortress (I’ve got Overwatch for that), I just want Valve to be a real developer and publisher again. Endless iteration on free-to-play titles and pseudo-gambling mechanics, at the expense of actual artistic work and new ideas, is incredibly frustrating.

I was one of the people adamant against this game when it came out, but they really have improved it. If they had pushed back the release I think this could’ve been game of the year. The missions have structure, its rewarding to gain rep with factions and the graphics really do stand out.

If you were like me and

No one is forgetting anything, it happened they finally fixed it and its time to move on. I mean D3 was a cluterfuck of a launch and was no where near as good as it is now but Blizzard made good and fixed the game and put an ax to the auction house. People still don’t beat them up over the mistakes they made in the

FUCK YOU AND YOUR LEVEL HEADED, RATIONAL ARGUMENT. How DARE you word it well too! I want to stay bitter about something that happened a year ago despite the fact that those responsible are trying their best to make amends, dammit!

The new update is incredible. I actually liked the game enough as just a simple exploration game right after release, but they’ve really brought it up to its full potential more or less. (If they could add slightly better MP to where you can actually join up with a friend or three and explore together, it would be

Definitely recommend giving it a second go!

Honestly, I think now that I’ve gotten over the betrayal of Sean Murray, I may have to startup a new No Man’s Sky game.