
20 years from now.. “No Man’s Sky looks and plays fantastic!... but, boy oh boy that launch though” (◔_◔)

Breath of the Wild. Just picked it up for my son a few days ago, and pretty impressed with it.. Now just need a reason to ground him from the Wii U :)


Glad to hear there’s more level headed people out there, like myself. Nothing gets my blood boiling faster than listening to people in line bitch about waiting when it’s clear the situation is well beyond that sole employee’s control. You become even more empathetic to these situations if you’ve ever worked in retail.

My thoughts exactly. Waited years for this to come out, putting up with sequels nobody wanted (I’m looking at you, X & XIII). And when they finally do announce a remake, we get episodes.. All this being said, I’ll definitely buy it.

When you have a cozy job with insane benefits, and all you really need to do is maintain the status quo, is it any wonder no one wants to take a chance on something like HL3? Valve was once synonymous with innovation. Now..they’re quite content with stagnation.