
Eh... I’d say CyberConnect2 would make a better game than Square-Enix at this point...

I don’t play overwatch to work, I do that all day. I play overwatch to have fun and it just so happens that I find Hanzo to be a lot of fun. If it pisses anyone off, complain to Blizzard and petition to have him removed. Otherwise, I don’t particularly care. If you feel we need a tank, pick a tank. If you feel we need

Wow do I hate gamers like this. I know there are bad apples in every kind of hobby/fandom/whatever, but man oh man is this particular brand of bullshit getting way too common for my liking.

Gita, thank you for this--and particularly for taking the time to collect opinions from the broader fanbase.

I personally find what Jontron had to say during the “debate” (if such it can be called with a straight face) absolutely repugnant, on both a (personal) moral level, and as someone who is reasonably well-versed

How is a game you’ve spent 80 hours with “pointless”? Serious question. Do you consider it worth the money you spent?

How many games have much to do after 80 hours?

So I think it’s pretty clear now that Bastion fucks.

This is such a well written review. I think you’ve convinced me to get a Switch (it takes me months to beat a game so one game isn’t an issue for me)

Every time this happens, I’m fascinated and confused.

It’s not more entertaining. It’s the same concept, even down to the same tags and thumb nail. I don’t really look into Tube drama because I’m not 15 but this would make me upset.

Wonder how many confederate flag wavers are telling Hillary supporters “you lost, get over it”?

Big difference between “he’s a sack of trembling orange flesh because he’s ruining the country and flouting the law” and “grrr Obummer, that black guy”

Please remember that the employees are just trying to put food in their mouths, they’re not the bad guys.

This is why I’m often so forgiving of the wait times I’ve experienced in Gamestops: more often than not, the wait is because there’s only one employee in the store, who’s ringing up a customer and answering questions while also answering the phone and digging through boxes of stock they haven’t had time to put up yet.

Having worked at Gamestop for a short time, I am in no way surprised by any of this. Thanks for the heads up. I’ll never shop there again.

I was all for it, until I read it was going to be episodic. I’m out now... I don’t even really like FFVII but it was a good game I was willing to play again but not now.

I’m trying really hard not to get my hopes up for FFVII. It’s an all-time fave, but I feel like whatever magic it had will be diluted by this episodic thing they’re going to try with it.

Brilliant work, Ev.