When I first saw this, I thought it was a photoshop.
When I first saw this, I thought it was a photoshop.
Damn, that looks better than most movie costumes. Seriously, this is really impressive.
I got me a car, it’s named after a whale
And we’re headin’ on down
To the Golf Shack
I got me a Bentley, it seats about 20
So hurry up and bring your caviar money
All of you that are beating the drum for a tankless hot water heater, remember they only work in warmer climates. Any location in the midwest and north where the ground freezes hard and the municipal water gets cold it just doesn’t work. Draw a line from Kansas City to Washington DC: if you live south of that, think…
Aren’t they? Which would you rather expose to your kid? Cigars are far more potentially dangerous to my kid than naked demons.
“... the decision to cast Michael B. Jordan as Johnny Storm was the first indication we had that the movie was going off the rails ...”
Locate broken bolt, weld large nut onto the broken part of the bolt, back out with breaker bar. Drink beer.
Absolute worst case, drill it out and install a helicoil.
How about we let people do whatever the fuck they want and the consequences of how others perceive them are theirs to own?
"We have a lot of work to do there. We have to do better."
I have far more respect for developers who delay products to provide quality than those that rush products out the door that could have really stood to bake longer. It seems the later is far more the norm these days.
did you even watch the video?
In my mind, Motoko "The Major" Kusanagi is without a Doubt the coolest woman in Manga & Anime History. She's a genuinely awesome character who doesn't so much eschew traditional gender rolls as she does ignore them. She just happens to be a female, and a BAMF to boot. She does whatever she wants regardless, gender…
I like how you say "FemShep" as if there's another kind.
They just ID'd the driver from the plate and arrested Mak Gai Fa.
Too bad for Harry. Just missed the opportunity to get himself into a relationship with English royalty.
What are you talking about the end of fake journalism? Did the entire Fox News channel also resign?!
Yes, because in REAL LIFE when you need to brake HARD, you still have all the time to find and unplug your tracking device... give me a break!