
You would be surprised, actually. Even if they can never pay a dime, their debt is a valuable commodity, that can be sold. There are many (somewhat shady) companies out there who are willing to buy your legal claim. It will usually be for pennies on the dollar, but it is better than nothing. Added bonus: said

It does. No, not the individuals whose house was raided, but the taxpayers who had to pay for the response and likely property damage that was caused in the breaking down of their doors/windows.

Bruce Willis and Tom Skerritt, no? Has to be.

Those only run at 30Hz though, if I'm not mistaken.

pretty sure 19yrs is not a kid, is a full grown adult

The message is clear — stay focused on the task at hand, and don't screw around.

would bang velma totally.

I know Olbermann has given ESPN a lot of grief during his time but man, when he gets it right, he gets it right.

Dead or alive, you're coming with me!

It looks like Robocop's penis.

Sucker Punch was a movie that looked so damned cool, I still loved it in the face of everything that was wrong with it.

A flight attendant's job first and foremost, is safety – not to bend over backwards for every customer whim. If they cater to a seat swap that costs the airline money, they could be reprimanded, or possibly fired.

Three years without a test? What do they think those swabs are, FSU football players?

Not sure if you'd count these, but Motopeds are pretty badass...

I had no idea that the SR-71 ever made any appearances at air shows...

No sometimes people are just dicks.

I definitely didn't click on this article because the redhead in the header image piqued my interest.

Where does he get those wonderful toys?