
That’s just about right. Melting point of Al is around 1,200°F while Al2O3 is over 3,700°F. Aluminum in air always has an oxide layer as it is super reactive with oxygen. All those layers in the foil are going to mean lots of established oxide layers that don’t want to go together.

I call Shenanigans! Somewhere around the 2:25 mark he changes out the folded roll for a bar of aluminum.

Yep, Brain doesn’t work.

Except that Wade isn’t whiny, or really that nice of a guy. And the grown up Wil Wheaton is nothing like Wesley Crusher.

Mostly for taking them down. Most confederate statues venerate the “great men” of the confederate south and perpetuate the myth that the war wasn’t about slavery.

No, how about changing the scene to depict the authorities or some hero saving the women being auctioned? Or better yet, saving themselves. That scene could be done with humor so it was kid friendly while sending the silent message that pirates and slavery was actually bad.

The more we white wash and erase the horrors of the past, the less likely we are to learn from the past. And the more likely we are to repeat those same mistakes.

Kyu Sugardust from HuniePop. She’s a love fairy who’s main job is to get you laid.

Every time I see Mitch McConnell I think... “You know, those crazy conspiracy theories about reptile people secretly running the government might be onto something....”

It took me about 12 submits done over about 6 hours before I got to page 3 and was confirmed. But, it’s been 24 hrs and I still haven’t gotten my email confirmation and if I try to check with my conf# on the FCC website I get bupkis.

The function of a rubber duck is to talk to it while you are programming. Specifically when you are figuring out how to write something tricky.

Eh, sorry but no. Molly talks about using love potions on Arthur to, ya’ know, give him a little push. She frequently gives her children verbal tirades, even by howler proxy. So much so that as soon as her children get old enough they flee the country or dive into the hole that is the ministry.

Hey! I did that in high-school. Ground a 6 inch and made a Newtonian reflector which I put on a dobsonian mount on an angle with a sand/weight driven clock drive. I’ve still got the mirror (telescope was in storage and the shed burned down). Some day I’ll send it off to get it aluminized instead of silvered and I’ll

Better idea: Answer the phone and lie your ass off. Give them bogus data. Waste their time and ruin their database with crap info.

I wasn’t commenting on the study, just this article. While the study posits theories as to why there is a correlation it never states that the touchscreen use is the cause of the lost sleep. The actual title of the study “Daily touchscreen use in infants and toddlers is associated with reduced sleep and delayed sleep

Correlation is not causation. I could just as easily say “Kids who sleep less at night use touch screen devices more”.

Utility scale solar is already as cheap as coal, only wind is cheaper. Without subsidies, the payoff on grid connected roof-top solar with no battery backup is 11-15 years. It can actually go down with a battery by feeding back to the grid (and getting paid) during high demand times and only taking from the grid

We already have areas that are 100% solar. Battery technology is going to cover the solar cycles. Tesla has already proven that they can put in an 80MWh backup/load leveling station in 90 days. We already transport electricity vast distances through power lines, so why not the electricity from solar.

Right now we are “creating wealth” by digging it up out of the ground in the form of fossil fuels. Why can’t we do the same thing with energy from the sun? And then have infrustructure to show for it.