
Don’t worry it’ll update itself next time you start FF.

Man. That would actually be a pretty cool premise for a new Gundam series. All these statues erected for fun hundreds of years ago, and then an actual alien attack happens and these kids discover the statues were placed there to protect the earth.

The definition of autopilot isn’t something that takes full control. That would be an autonomous car. Autopilot is something that reduces driver workload, like autopilot on an aircraft.

So the two opposing opinions to pick from about whether it’s possible are

I’ve been trying to leave my comment today, and while the site doesn’t look down, clicking submit does nothing. Not that my legit comment can cancel out 58,000 fakes...

It’s not “fundamental to air travel”. God didn’t reach out from heaven and scribe down on a sacred stone tablet that “Thou shalt not tranfer seats!”

Eh. With the exception of the Weasley parents, most of the adult wizarding community seems like giant tools.

When I was young and optimistic stupid I tried hand grinding telescope mirrors. The process was never-ending and the results were, well, mixed.

It’s not uncommon for doors to be inoperable after an impact. This goes for all kinds of doors - even normal manual ones.

So do they manage to do this without increasing rolling resistance to the cars? If the road deforms more than typical asphalt, they really wouldn’t be capturing lost energy as much as taking energy from people’s cars (which aren’t exactly thermodynamically efficient to begin with)

I just want to say thanks for having an informed opinion unlike the guy below who admits to not reading it. Thanks for doing the research before posting.

Let’s see your version, so we can compare.

Pft. Been cutting my own hair with a wand trimmer kit for two decades. Nothing dare devil about it. Save a ton of money.

Pft. Been cutting my own hair with a wand trimmer kit for two decades. Nothing dare devil about it. Save a ton of

I bring it up every time and nobody takes me seriously. Dame Judi Dench. She could pull off anything.

Is the whole Trump administration illiterate?

Now playing

Because if he’s implying that “The Imperial March” won’t go down in history as one of the best pieces of composition in generations

Perhaps its the stress of having to deal with your fucking idiot relatives.

Make America Grate Again