
Super Alternate Ending™: Ginny and Harry dated and were serious but her possession by Tom scarred her for life and let him control her secretly for years. Hermione and Ron were married for about a decade but he left her when she announced that after having two of his kids she was going to have one of Harry’s by

Get a hive or two, and when doing pest control don’t use pesticides. Verroa control can be done with cheap vegetable oil traps. If you have an infestation apply powdered sugar to the bees. It irritates them just enough that they go into a cleaning frenzy and that gets the mites out of the hive in early stages of

Kill them with LASERs!

T-Mobile’s Binge On Program Violates Net Neutrality, Says study paid for by other Service Providers.

See, thats just it. They hid the information. If early on Takata had come out publicly and said, “Hey look here. We’ve saved a ton of lives, but it turns out we had some defects that could kill you. Our bad. We’re fixing that ASAP.” But they hid the information for years, lied about product safety tests, and refused

Exclusivity and easement rights are worth money now. But in the future, with little revenue from power generation, what do those concessions get the power company? Less and less as time goes on because fewer people are paying for electricity.

“even if they don’t need them at all.” Pretty sure this is not true. If you go completely off grid and don’t hook up to the power company at all you don’t have to pay them anything.

Oh wait.. here he is. Crichton is the one in black.

Good Farscape reference. But where is Crichton? /jk

I read somewhere that the reason they are hexagon is twofold. First, your right, efficiency. But a square or a triangle could be just as efficient. So second, the hexagon avoids pointy bits that would aggravate the skin of most people.

The cheapest option I’ve seen is a water gravity storage system. Kind of like a hydro-electric damn but run both ways. Pump water up-hill to turn electricity into potential kinetic energy. Run the water down hill back through the turbines to create electricity.

Yeah, I was part of that (with Sam’s Club). We came all the way from Florida and the amount of resources that were thrown at Katrina by Walmart still boggles my mind. No running water to start, bathing with baby wipes, sleeping in between the tire racks of the local club. But we had it good compared to the locals.

What’s really great is that you used Mark Vanderloo, the basis for the male ME Shepard. Kudos, very meta.

I wonder if Russell Crow will fly Virgin Australia now?

It’s a mockup product. They haven’t made a true prototype yet (or at least they didn’t use it in the vid).

The only problem with this idea (starting a competing company) is that you can’t. These cable companies have a legalized monopoly, which is the reason they can arbitrarily increase prices. If they had competition TW, COX, etc. would have better prices and better service (that’s the popular opinion anyway).

The interesting thing to me is that these are the STOLEN passwords. If the companies storing these passwords had proper security, including salting the passwords, no one would ever be able to find out what the passwords were.

If Cyberespionage Is a ‘National Security Emergency’ why the effing hell do all the three letter agencies want weaker cyber-security?

Why? Look at it another way. The galaxy is missing 70% of it’s mass, right? We call that dark matter because we can’t see it. What if all that missing mass is stellar systems wraped up in Dyson sphere constructions? Then we are talking millions, perhaps billions of such construction projects each lasting hundreds of

Waste- yeah, I get that but I think it could easily be lost in stellar radiation.