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It’s a long exposure light painting photograph. You keep the shutter on the camera open for a relatively long time, a few seconds to a few minutes. While thats going on you wave a light arround. The “film” usually wont see the person waving the light arround because there isn’t enough light hitting them for them to be

As great as CTHD is I think House of Flying Daggers and Curse of the Golden Flower have to be right up on the same level from a look standpoint. Those films are all visually gorgeous.

Neil’s reflection in Buzz’s helmet should count as not just a moon selfie, but a mirror pic as well.

But there is a lot of tolling on gizmodo.

Sorry, but no... that’s not competition.

I think you misunderstood. We didn’t get the counterfeits through company channels. People would get them, often through Ebay. Then they would purchase real versions from us and the next day try to return the fake with the receipt. They would get the real item for the fake price or make money by returning the fake for

I saw this with lots of things in the retail world as a manager having to approve questionable returns. TaylorMade gold clubs and North Face jackets were the worst. Lots of times you could just tell because of quality issues. Another tell was that the graphics and the typeface were off. Some knockoffs were just too

The U.S. is #1 in human trafficking???? Where did you get this from?

“Quantity has a quality all its own.”

You know, I’ve never understood the “My adversity was part of gods plan, so I’m glad I didn’t do anything to avoid the problem, else I would have F’ed up gods plan” mode of thought. If you really believe in god and gods plan and the power of god, what makes you think that anything you do will derail the plan. The plan

Not true. I’ve read of at least two cases where pilots lost some visual ability permanently. I think one pilot ended up grounded because of the loss of sight had him medically sidelined. They were not “blinded” but they lost enough visual acuity that they could still be said to be “permanently injured”.

RCA’s CED is still the format to beat. Nothing comes close to Capacitance Electronic Disc quality.

Word is that Walmart is going to be having deals to compete with them.

Word is that Walmart is going to be having deals to compete with them.

Hey! Is that Adam Savage??

Arg!!! The flux capacitor is not an energy source. Nor can it “apply” that enery to the outside world in any meaningfull way. The nuclear reactor/Mr. Fusion on the back of the Delorian is the energy source. The flux capacitor uses the energy that the nuclear reactor/Mr. Fusion makes.

Supposedly there is a new made for tv movie in the works.

Oh, oh, what’s that welling up inside my cynical soul? Is it hope? Can I let myself feel the emotion of hope again? Please Mr. Abrams... Remember the Shepards Prayer.

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Oh, Shit! John actually did it.... Damn....

Yeah, Tombstone is first seed. He’s actually been around for years. He used to be called Last Rites but for the rebuild for the 2009 season he was rechristened as Tombstone.

Hackintosh - So you’ll want to check out tonymacx86.com. They have up to date how-tos on building a Hackintosh. Really it’s no different then building any other computer- you just end up installing OSX on it and you can run Mac software. Actually you can do dual boot (or triple) and boot to Windows or OSX. I have mine