
My main problem with JW is this.... How do they keep the dino crap off the surface of the Gyrosphere? Wouldn’t the glass be smeared with stuff after it had gone 100 yards in any of the dinosaur paddocks?

Annonimity ≠ Privacy - Please stop getting the two confused. Or is it deliberate obfuscation in the press to spread FUD?

What missle? Your system is still aimed at the drone loitering just beyond range. Hey, what’s that speck over there. Oh, Shit! Dead.

Another issue.... Six miles may be a long way for a microwave energy weapon, but it’s not far at all for a missle system. The areial platform could dance on the edge of “in range” distance as long as it wanted. The drone could destroy the microwave installation anytime it wanted as long as it had adequate air to

Yeah, I got on a Mars fix after reading Andy Weirs, The Martian. It’s a great one to read if you haven’t yet.

I read Kim Stanley Robinsons Red Mars a few weeks ago and this was a huge part of the background of the novel. Robotic building making mind bogglingly large scale projects practical. Also mass production of things like windmills where if a few hundred get wiped out in a storm it’s no big deal. You still have millions

So the FCC wants stronger protection while the FBI and the NSA want less protection on our phones. I’m with the FCC on this one.

Shipping with XBone controller.... Does this mean that Oculus has chosen Windows as it’s platform? Will there be OSX/Linux support? Oculus said they would be platform agnostic but their actions seem to be heading towards primarily supporting the Windows platform.

I use Firefox because of it’s extentions but with Flash-blocker and AdBlockerPlus which keeps it running fairly swiftly. When I want to run on a flash heavy site (YouTube) I switch to Safari.

One of the things that society in general need to learn is that privacy ≠ anonymity. These Reason commenters want their anonymity because they say stupid inflammatory shit. They hide behind anonymity because they are trolls. They need their anonymity as a shield because they are gutless cowards who wouldn’t have the

The other thing I like to “hit” them with is the question, “Which Bible?”. There are over 25 different copyrighted bibles, in english, in the US alone. Are they all right? Are all but one wrong on some points? O.K., so you’re a New Testiment reader. Which one? How is your belief system different from the others?

I think you missed the most negative thing about the movie.

How about the meme where Gawker writers get the public to do their leg work for them. That’s a meme right?

I stay away from snow country as much as possible so I don’t have the experience that you do... but I’m sure your right.

We’ve had two people taking showers, someone washing dishes and the washing machine going at the same time? What more do you want?

If you own your home consider upgrading to an on-demand hot water heater. They have no tank so you never run out of hot water. Ours is gas powered and super efficient. They cost more up front but even with the low cost of propane the return time is only about 5 years.

I’m gonna have to disagree with you there. My brother and I learned to team up on Contra and beat the hell out of it. We got to the point where we could get through the whole game without a single life lost. The next time through when it got more difficult we would only lose one or two. Third time through the game

I seriously want them to release a “super Blu-Ray I’m obsessed with this movie - everything behind the scenes making of multi-disk shiny chrome Valhalla collectors edition™”. One disk with the regular behind-the-scenes making-of. One disk for the stunts. One for the making of the cars. One for the special effects.

Sorry, but no. Entry level rifles may have a agnostic grip but most mid to high end rifles don’t. Target guns in particular have special thumb holes that are ergonomically carved for handedness. Then we get to mechanics. By changing the bolt you by necessity have to change the breech (because now the bolt rotates the