
I think all modern operating systems already have this. I know you can swap buttons in Windows and OS X. Not sure about Linux or or Chrome OS but I’d be surprised if they can’t accommodate the left/right button swap on a mouse.

It’s not technology that discriminates against southpaws. It’s mass manufacturing and profit margins.


I can a$$ure you there’$ lot$ of rea$on$ for a remake. And a $equel.

I give you all the stars. +10 X ∞.

What would you all like to know? I did this as a high school science fair project. I hand ground a 6” Pyrex glass disk into a Newtonian reflector and then built the housing for it. I put it on a Dobsoninan mount with an equatorial wedge and even built a sand driven clock drive for it. It could only hold star lock for

I did the equivalent with a cross threaded bearing housing on a bicycle crank case. Had to weld on a 3 food angle bar to get the leverage needed to turn the damn thing. The new bearing case went in easy as pie though and it all worked out.

For anyone (like me) who didn’t know what these thread repair methods were, I refer you to the following:

Yup. It’s also one of the reasons that we use green in chroma-key screens more often then the blue screen. In many pro cameras when working in high bit-rate files there is more “green” info than red or blue. This allows you to get a better silhouette and more distinct edges on your chroma-key.

What is the legal recourse for the family of a patient where the hospital ignored a DNR? Will the family still be billed for all the heroic measures that the staff took? Will they be billed for the possible weeks and months of intensive care?

I’ve actually used the work computer to edit and print my bosses resume. He was looking to get out of his job so I helped him polish his resume and print it out. I had been working with him across two companies and multiple locations for more than a decade. But still, it was a bit surreal.

Don’t be afraid to ask the following questions:

It was always implied that the “contract” with the cup had a penalty if you chose not to perform. That penalty has always been thought to be either your magic or your life. Considering this I think that Harry was essentially forced to compete.

The development community is moving to tools that allow you to code once and deploy on on many different platforms. Unity and their partners are developing IL2CPP which takes c# code and changes it into much faster c++ code without human intervention. You still have to keep some things that are platform specific in

Here is the best theory I’ve come up with.

A lot of sieges succeeded by bio-warfare. Lob over decaying animals, live rats, crap (literally) and bodies of sick and dead soldiers. Let disease take care of the defending population. Not neat, not pretty. But, damned effective.

How could you not list the Black Fortress from Krull.

Did you ever open up the mouse & try to repair it? I had the same problem with a different mouse (Mad Catz MMO7). I opened it up and put a dab of plastic friendly lithium grease on the switch button and the rocker (and all other moving parts while I had the thing open). No more stuck switch and my mouse has been