
I get where you’re coming from but there may already be genes in birds that natural selection will heighten the expression of.

Life mimicking art.

How do you “cut power” to the windmill blades? The “power” is the wind. You could rotate the blades to minimize the airfoil properties or apply a braking system to slow them down but you can’t “cut the power”.

I made a double water bong for a friend out of an old Sheridan’s liqueur bottle.

Not really. Solar output is about 1400 watts per square meter. That’s full sun. Even with 50% efficient panels (well above industry standard) you are going to get less than 5K watts going into your batteries. On a Tesla 70D that would mean 14 hours of full sunlight.

The really interesting figure will be 16-24 months from now. After HBO-Now has been around for a while on all platforms. Then we can see just what difference the untethered (like HBO-Go) subscription model will do to piracy. I don’t think the numbers will be vastly different. Maybe a 10% drop. But, that will be along

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Back when Discovery Channel actually did some science programming they had a web channel called Distort on TestTube. I say did because it’s been over a year since the last time it was updated. Still, the “Worst Roomba Ever” episode was cool as hell is you like Slow-Mo Robot Carnage. Anyone know what happened to David

I got the chance to cooperate in a April Fool’s joke this year. Bella Chartrand from the Utopia reality show had me do a photo-shoot with her like she was getting married. I put together some photo collages for her to put on social media. These are sample pics. The bigger files are on my deviant art page.

You should check out Ishkurs Guide to Electronic Music. This is part of the internets history as it has been around in various versions for more than a decade. It is what got me into electronic music production.

They don't. Not that I'm aware of. This is likely one of the many bee food supplements. They are mostly a soy bean product. There are quite a few brands and formulations. Pollen gives bees protein while honey gives them carbohydrates.

That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.

Remember though that there is an app involved with a password. The QR code and IMEI are not enough. Properly implemented public key encryption would effectively eliminate the man-in-the-middle attack. If the final signal from phone is never received then the money is never released.

I'm one of the "power users" like you - scarily so - as both of my OS drives are a pair of 180 GB SSDs that I picked up about $100 each two years ago.

I can't speak to every law enforcement agency in the USA but new recruits in at least 2 areas that I know of get pepper spray and taser exposure as part of their training.

These drives are also about energy savings (about 35% over non helium drives) and not just storage density. But your right, Solid State is the future. But right now the cost per GB is still significantly higher than spinning platters. Note the label on the drive even says "Lowest TCO". Sure, that total cost of

Maybe it's just me, but this looks like it should be the villains attack craft in a Bond movie.

Not just Christians... or have you missed all the news from the middle east? Islamic fundamentalists are WAY more conservative than most "hardcore" Christians, especially when it comes to female sexuality. Even the hardline Jewish are ultra conservative.

This trick won't tell always tell you if a place is bad (from auto dealer to fast food joint), but if the place fails this test - it is bad.