
And people wonder why I have a large format printer....

Couldn't agree more. So much AI FUD being spread lately - and a lot of it by otherwise intelligent people.

Came to post this. Think it could be cool to have her portrait on one side and the shuttle on the other. Tranquility base and/or ISS on the back?

I want to know why they don't protect threaded areas on the frame from over-spray. The crank case and bottle mounting holes are open and exposed in one of those application pics. Baked enamel can be a right bitch to clean off of delicate machine threads.

I think that may be one of the most profound statements I've ever read.

Happy to see this release for another reason besides République being available to play on non-mobile hardware.

No, but holly hell. We would have been screwed. There is no rock layer to keep them contained in Florida.

Had that happen to me about 4 months ago. Clearing out brush and mowing, then I'm suddenly waist deep in the ground. Luckily the hole was only about 4' deep but still disconcerting.

I know I'm gonna get shit for this because he seems to be the popular whipping boy lately but my vote goes to Brian Williams.

Yup. I had Mass Effect 2 on both Xbox and PC but EA borked my account. I spent weeks with emails going back and forth trying to get them to fix my PC side of the account. Even though I explained things very coherently they were always fixated on my Xbox account (which was fine). I wanted to buy LotSB for PC (already

How about Six of One from tripping the rift vs Cameron from TSCC? Depending on the kind of fight it has the potential to be ...... interesting.

Ryusuzaku has the right of it. The problem with barefoot shoes is not the idea but rather the implementation.

Most "House Brands" (everything, not just supplements) are actually manufactured by other parties. I wonder if all or most of these "House Brands" are made by the same supplier?

Yeah, your in a city where they have better coverage. In the nearest major city (pop 60,000) we have exactly 1 UPS store that has pickup options (other places where you can do drop-off) but there are two RadioShak locations.

Amazon should partner with UPS for the dead RadioShack locations. Smart lockers so they are collection locations. Higher profitability for UPS and convenience factor for Amazon shoppers. The only question is the rent at each location and if it makes sense geographically. With home printing of labels they could even be

Why DRM Sucks: Part 3 (Sometimes it fails)