
Yeah, refresh rate matters. Also the size of the graphic. The bigger it is and the slower your refresh rate the more pronounced the pulsing effect. I have one display that is 30Hz and another that is 60Hz. While I can see the pulse on both it really pops on the first display.

When does Vader get to really see C3PO or R2D2 in the original trilogy? He gets glimpses of them sure, but I don't remember a scene where he actually interacts with them.

All the comments so far—- "Who would pay for YouTube??!??" are missing the point.

No probs. I was thinking, "Holy Shit! Most of those models have more detail that the original movie models! How the F did he do that. Fuuuuuuck!"

"Three More Classic Star Wars Games Are Getting Digital Releases"

Lockstep - I'm a little over halfway in. Picked it up after hearing about it on io9. Very glad I did. It's a hard science fiction story that is very well reasoned out. The wold building alone makes it a page turner. Here is the jacket synopsis and cover.....

In the long run it may prove to be the better investment for change and progress.

At $5 plus the lowered cost of energy use plus the longevity of the bulb.

I got some of the $5 IKEA LED bulbs. They are spot on and cheep. No fancy features like the Cree though.

You Sir are an Evil, Evil person.

Do you use a polarizer to cut the glare? Or do you go without one because glare is good in car photos. (shiney!)

Yeah, but that's the point. Time and money for the court case vs some undefined amount of money from a loser that may not have much money.

Unfortunately, in these cases it is usually not worth the civil suit. They likely do not/will not have the money to make it worth hiring a lawyer.

Just get a t-shirt cannon. Fill it with a compressed bundle of strings instead of a t-shirt. You could play with a very mild "sticky" compound (maybe just water) that would help hold the mass together to get a lot of distance. It would open up after gaining altitude and spread out like chaff. Large target area

"Stock" footage in this usage means that the company reused film assets that they already had. Specifically, some of the scenes that were originally used in Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970) were again used in Midway (1976). This is a fairly common practice even to this day. See the Michael Bay films.

Yes, it's only 30Hz - I own one. It matters less than you think.

I just don't see the point in even wanting to tap instant messaging apps. Bad Guys that are organized doesn't need them. You can do it all in the open.