
I'd like to see someone build an actual Helicarrier quad-copter.

Ireland has been used as a tax haven by many corporations because of it's territorial taxation laws. This is often called a Double Irish Arrangement. While this tax scheme has mostly been quashed recently, a large number of corporations have used it in the past to get out of billions in taxes.

Your wish is granted.

Now playing

I think the bigger problem is that CG is often used with little artistry or visual clarity. It can be a shotgun stuffed with paint, shot to a canvas and called art.

Yeah, they definitely need to be reciting the Shepard's* prayer on a daily basis.

Now playing

Or you could just use the best plug in the world:

So, back in the day when World of Warcraft was young they were trying to get more casual players on board. One of their ideas, which they tested, was to have a period of time where you got normal experience. Then, after you had played for a while, you would only get half experience. This plan was universally hated.

Because..... Space Herpies!

Click, Click, Cl.Cl.Clickity, Click Click.

I have 22 years of retail behind me, 19 of those as management. 15+ years with Sam's Club and 7 with Dick's Sporting Goods. Last year just before X-mas I handed in my two weeks notice and now I'm doing game development.

No, he has a computer so he can troll people. That's a want not a need.


Yeah, I've said in the past that we "the general public" need a website for politics. It would marry Wolfram Alpha, Wikipedia, and Google analytics.

Are there and big companies that are against net neutrality that are not ISPs? This is the question that I've never seen answered. Who supports vs who is against listed as access providers and content providers.

Avatar: Unobtanium isn't a throw away plot device. It's the central mechanic for the whole story.

The ST:TOS planet killer was only a prototype. The final model was much tougher to take down.

My funny is that the default Fem-Shep is my custom Fem-Shep. I would often give her a ponytail (especially ME2 replays) but that was the only real difference. When they finally showed the iconic red-haired official Fem-Shep for ME3 it was like seeing an old familiar friend again.

Used to have a poster of a Vector W2 on my wall as a kid.