
Maybe the CDC should use reverse psychology on them. Tell them about the new advanced vaccination shots that are too expensive/difficult to produce.

Polaris obviously hasn't paid the bribe made the right donation yet.

Selfie got canceled? I am shocked! It had such a good premise and showed a lot of potential.

"Lo-fi" and "Ultra-real" are just code words for low budget and shaky cam.

1: a. What paper or pencil did he have to write a note with? b. Only gravity was able to get through.

Now playing

Thanks, I came to post this exactly. Many of us in the "technological age" don't really understand what societies of the past were truly capable of.

All the sugar actually helps because it kind of acts like anti-freeze.

The absolute best way to serve any soft drink - especially Mountain Dew.

One of the only cases that I can actually say a country should get nuked is if they escalate a war using biologicals.

What pseudo-science in Interstellar?

Overall I'd say no. What it does lead to is greater extremes of outcome.

"Takata disagrees with the NYT report" : Wish there was a link to Takata's NYT rebuttal. The wording in it would be telling.

Ok. I now have a new high measurement for my bat-shit-crazy insano-meter. I'll have to recalibrate....

No! No, no, no ,no. It's just another plot by the Shakri. They are trying to destroy the human race before we have a chance to spread. Don't fall for it!

Make it Mod-able. Most of this will only be on the PC version which is just fine.

Situation that warrants piracy: I have Mass Effect 2 on PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 (don't mind why, I do. Legit purchases. Besides PS3 version came later after ME2 hit the bargain bin.) I purchased DLC for the XBox version, then tried to do the same with the PC version.

Science Fiction is merely a filter through which we view the human condition. It is a story telling engine that allows the writer to divest the reader of their preconceptions. This allows the writer to convey messages that the reader would often times reject out of personal or cultural bias.

Also Conan had one of the best soundtracks of any movie ever.

Being taught as one in US schools. Scared yet?

Star Wars: Shepard's Prayer