Ah, Metalstorm. Pity they couldn't iron the bugs out of that system. Cost to much to deploy as well. Some seriously impressive shit when they got it to work though.
Ah, Metalstorm. Pity they couldn't iron the bugs out of that system. Cost to much to deploy as well. Some seriously impressive shit when they got it to work though.
He is a well known ZBrush artist. I'm no where near his class. ZBrush is a 3d modeling software that kinda works like digital clay. So to answer your question; he pretty much does it by "hand" in that he manipulates the "clay" with a mouse or a pen/tablet. He probably has photo reference. No scanning.
Hi-rez textures take up a MASSIVE amount of hard drive space, and vram. PS3 and XBOX 360 are quite limited in the size of the texture maps that they can load. Does that translate to real graphics gains? I'd have to compare the games side to side but it can make a huge difference. The other assets, meshes and audio,…
What I don't get is this: Why would you claim responsibility?
Ok now kids. Who said that you had to use "plastic" instruments? RB4 supported real digital drums, real midi keyboards, and even real guitars (with midi support). In pro mode you are really playing the song!
Anonymity is not the same as privacy. I can't help but feel that if these people making threats couldn't hide behind an anonymous wall, they wouldn't propagate their hate speech nearly as much.
Pft... If they were really all that intelligent they wouldn't put hot dogs & buns in 6 & 8 packs. That evens out at 24. They would have used prime numbers like 7 and 11. Then sell it to you as new larger "Convenience" pack.
I'm waiting for the day when someone shoots a cop trying to take the deposit money from his business for a speeding ticket and claims it was self defense during a robbery. If the police keep doing these seizures during routine traffic stops and the like I think it's only a matter of time.
Sorry, never played it. I haven't done any gaming to speak of since January. I quit my job and have been "going to school" to learn programming and haven't had the time. - Not complaining! I've been learning Unity, ZBrush and Maya and it's been great.
It's because the Dark Side has cookies! ;)
My Mac cost $1500, runs all my games at 4k and runs ZBrush, Maya, and all my other authoring tools well. I built it myself.
Are you sure this didn't happen in Florida? Because....... Florida!
Does anyone know if Google uses proper password hashing? I think they do, but I'm not sure. If they do then Google CAN'T be hacked to get you're password as they don't have it either. They only store the hash.
You know you have a REALLY AMAZING boyfriend if he agrees to wear these for you.
Yup, I see it too. Damn thing is just a sketch in a maths book. Not a "design". There is no way to bend the track significantly so this will thing only go in a straight line.
That's not to bad of damage... I'm sure that will just buff out.
I'm mostly with you. 99% The other 1% says screw it. I'll run an emulator or reboot to windows. That's a pain in the ass but doable. But, I totally agree that going forward from now on every game should be released on both platforms. I've already vowed that all the games I make will be on Mac and PC (and probably…
So, here is a video of Josh Herman at Pixologic ZBrush Summit 2014. He's the guy that did the original sculpt of Groot. It should start at 35 minutes in. Here is that salient point: there was no concept art of Groot (that he saw) before his 3d sculpt in ZBrush.
Wait, I missed something. Did you change out the video? The headline says Clarkson was being a perv. I didn't see that at all. The video must have been re-cut. What did I miss?
"Civilized society long ago rejected coerced human participation in experiments"